The Power of Shame

I was not saying any of the stuff you heard, Scott6. I was alluding to the non stop blogs and blahgs that came from that gig:

The current count is well over 1/2 a million hits…and growing :frowning:

I basically said nothing on the Crossfit debacle. Here is what I said at one point:

I have to say that I basically declined to enter this whole “kerfuffle.” It really made me sad. We fight so hard against misconceptions related to diabetes. Those with Type 1 rightly wish that the public would understand that their condition is a result of an autoimmune attack. And those with Type 2 rightly wish to not be incorrectly accused of causing their diabetes through poor lifestyle and personal choices. Unfortunately in this situation both sides displayed misconceptions and sadly a lack of empathy. Nobody deserves a chronic condition. The diabetes community really needs to change the conversation away from blame and shame and towards empathy and empowerment. This should have been a teaching moment and it wasn’t.

That word “empathy.” That is vitally important. We are a support community. When people come here and talk about their feelings of stigma, shame and blame, their feelings of depression or of failure we need to speak with empathy. We need to change the conversation about diabetes (and other chronic conditions) and we should start here in our community.