The Second in the (hope to become) New England Monthly Meet and Greet

Well the first of the Meet and Greets went off well. Craig, Susan, I and a little yellow duck, all attended. The food was plentiful, and with careful choices, diabetic friendly. I will post pictures as soon as I can figure out how to get them out of my cell phone.

One of the topics we discussed was where to have the second meeting. As we are part of the New England group, and not just the north central Connecticut diabetic group, we thought that varying the meeting location would allow for more members to participate. Sites discussed were, Sturbridge MA or one of the Casinos in the south eastern part of the state. I would also like to point out that I haven’t forgotten the northern section of New England either. I have friends who live in Lancaster NH, the county seat of Coos County. Would anyone object to a meet and greet up there? Could be a chance for our Canadian brethren and sisteren to come south for a visit. Your suggestions and Ideas are important to making this effort a success.

Should we keep the meetings general and unstructured, or do you feel that a changing theme would be a good idea. Such as, Diabetes and diet, or Pumping for fun and profit. Maybe tips on how to make your diabetes dollars stretch farther.

Remember this is your chance to meet people in the same boat that you are in. We have, if not the same, very similar concerns. Everything from how do you get and keep good control, to how much of a pain in the tookas this disease can make you feel, to how do you carry your meter around? A pouch? A pocket? A small suitcase?

If you are an old hand at diabetes, here is your chance to pass on some of that hard earned knowledge. If you are new to diabetes, here is a chance to meet people who have been where you are now, and know some “tricks of the trade”.

The big questions now are where and when for the next meeting? I would like to propose as a date Saturday, April 11, 2009. That is the second Saturday in the month. Does this present a problem for anyone? What meal would you prefer? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Obviously the further you have to travel the later in the day would be better, just not too late to avoid a long drive home late at night.

Well I will await your contributions, with baited breath. (I knew I should have not eaten bait flavored breath mints, even if they are sugarless)

lancaster nh? now that interests me. i used to live in lancaster… beautiful place… not sure i can acually break away that day, but it is tempting

I’ll be in Atlanta on that day of April 11th :). Glad that the first one was a success. As far as places go. I dont drive. I only do public transportation or transportation that takes me to point A to B

Just so you know, if you can send emails from your cell phone, you can post photos to the network directly from it too.

Just follow the directions on this post (it’s on the Ning blog -Ning is the platform we use in TuDiabetes):

This is awesome! I love meet up’s! Too bad I’m in Cali! Can’t wait to see pic’s
