Life Expectancy for Type 1 Diabetes
Although, type 1 diabetes can happen to any individual, it is much more common in children, adolescents and teenagers (and hence is referred as juvenile diabetes). Type 1 diabetes life expectancy is indeed very difficult to ascertain due to the incomprehensible nature of the ailment and lack of data. On an average, the life expectancy of a person suffering from type 1 diabetes is reduced by 20 years. However, there have been cases wherein people have lived for more than 25 years after the disease was diagnosed, and there are other cases wherein people succumbed to illness within a decade of illness. Of course, many factors come into play when you try to calculate the average type 1 diabetes life expectancy. Researchers believe that the life expectancy of type 1 diabetes, to a great extent, depends on the age at which the ailment is diagnosed. Some studies reveal that the life expectancy of someone with type 1 diabetes which was diagnosed after the age of 15 is far less, compared to that of someone whose ailment was diagnosed before the age of 15. This supports the fact that earlier the ailment is diagnosed, better are the chances of living a long life.
Allegedly, keeping our BG’s at or below 140 is the goal, since above that causes the problems
But seeing as they are using our A1c’s as their primary guide, you can have several 175’s a day and get several 80’s and your A1c will come in per their safe range ( currently 6.7%) and say You’re Doing Fine…
Which we know is Not true…
Also, It’s In the Carbs… Unless you get the exact # of carbs & Know what your Insulin-to-carb raio is ? It’s all but impossible to keep decent control … And Unless your Carrying around a Briefcase of all your supplies and a Weigh Scale? You’re pretty much SOL… All the Modern,Insulins, meters, Pumps , CGM’s and having the “right Basals” aren’t going to help you if you don’t get this part of the equation right, everytime…
Using the labels Is another Devious Trick they pull. None are uniform… they use the smallest amount to show the lowest # of carbs per “their serving”… Like 1 tspn. or 1 ounce or someother devious method to show …or How about one of my favorites? Sugar Free! Take Dairy Cream vs Low Fat Milk… Per 1 blspn = 1 carb, every have 1 tblspn? you just pour it in, ave 1/4 of a cup… now go measure how many tablespoons = 1/4 of a cup…It turns out to be about the sameas the Low fat milk… And you think Men are going to go thru all that ? You going to measure how much a 1/2 cup of Whatever,everytime?
Then if your even 1-2 units to little? Bingo! your 175’s 2 hrs later…and wonder why and beat yourself up all the time… I end up just sticking to a Few Types of Meals for each timeframe of B/L/D and Snacks I know and have dialed in… If In doubt for Lunch or dinners? Healthy Choice Meals… Or Eggs and sausage patties… and a Salad with V&O… Or Just a broiled Chopped or small Steak and Salad with V&0…
Eating Was one of the Joys of Life and Socializing, now it’s a Drudgery… or just boring and get it over with… and Yes, I think one is better getting this Disease at a Much Younger Age… they Don’t Know what they’re missing…and create alot better eating habits as well… No wonder they have Lower TDD’s and higher I:CR’s and need alot less insulin over-all. and Most Nutriontist , Dietitians and the Medical Profession as a whole ? Are Worthless to even Dangerous…!