This Excersise Thing Is Hard Work

Today I surprised myself and went out for a run. Now, I’m not exactly known as the most active of people, I prefer to spend my time with a nice book or playing video games but I’ve realised recently that it’s time to take a bit of a stand with getting some excersise.

As I’ve just started pumping, and have been told it can lead to some pretty serious weight gain, that was part of the reason for me spending some of my birthday money today on work out clothes. Not only that, my current job involves a lot of sitting around at a desk staring at a computer screen all day. It’s just not healthy. So I made myself a promise, that I would start doing some excersise and I would start running.

I didn’t manage very much today, mainly because I am epically unfit and made the stupid decision to start running on levels of 4.6…meaning that blood sugars plummeted through the floor. Not onlt that but the clip for my pump is awful, and it fell off my trousers and dangled around a bit, which hurt…quite a lot. So I need to invest in some form of spibelt (on the cheap? I think so). It was just a quick little jog around the block and I’m hoping that tomorrow I can last a little longer and go the long way around.

But we’ll see. I have to make it through another day of work first.