Today Show-Light a Luminary for T1

I e-mailed the lady from the segment on the Today Show on Friday. She sent me the information sheets and I told her I would get the word out to our online community, so here goes:

Nationwide Luminary Lighting Event to Support Juvenile Diabetes!

What: Annual Juvenile Diabetes / Type 1 Luminary Lighting T-1 Luminary Enlightenment
When: November 5, 2008.
Where: Luminaries displayed in front of your home, visible from the road. All roads in town will be lit with luminaries.
Why: Three years ago, Harrison was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This year he has one major goal: to build awareness for the millions of people with Type 1 / Juvenile Diabetes. With awareness comes compassion for ALL of our children.
How: Send an email to with your mailing address and the number of luminary packs you would like to purchase. We will send you a pack of 3 luminaries and 3 tea lights for $5.00. On November 5th, place the T-1 luminary outside your house visible from the road and keep it lit in honor of National Diabetes Awareness Month. In addition, hang the Type 1 fact sheet on your front door for everyone to read and become “enlightened.” This is an easy way to show your support from the comfort of your home. You don’t need to join a walk team… climb mountains… or write a big check.

Thank you in advance for helping light the way to a cure for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes.
This is a nationwide event. Don’t be the only street in your town not lit with luminaries.

Proceeds will go to support research aimed at finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please send checks payable to Harrison’s Heroes T-1 Luminary Enlightenment.
Mail to:
Harrison Heroes
P.O. Box 2813
Westport CT 06880

Courtnie asked me to also let everyone know you can make your own luminaries if you’d like. It’s all about getting the word out. I am attaching 3 of the 4 sheets she sent me. The 4th is just what I pasted above this. Please help her out and help raise awareness for Type 1 diabetes!!
8326-T1FactSheet.docx (16.4 KB)
8327-LettertoSendWLuminaries.docx (20.2 KB)
8328-LuminariesOrder.docx (19.8 KB)


The attachments are only compatible with Word 2007-- could you put up the versions for Word 2003 as well?? Thanks!

I’m not sure how to do that. Do you know how? If you do, let me know and I will be more than glad to do it. :slight_smile:

I just featured this in the Forums. Also, it sounds like a good idea to add this information as an Event too, just like you did with the TN gathering.

Thanks April! I wasn’t sure how to do it! :slight_smile:

Thanks April!!

Just for future reference… When you go to “Save as…”, under file type, you can choose Word Document 97-2003 (or something similar). Then you can save it. The way that you can tell is that if the file ends in “.docx” then it is only compatible with 2007, if it ends with “.doc”, then it’s compatible with any Word version later than 97.

I will post about this on my blog and forward it on to others :slight_smile:

I am waiting, hopefully, to get a picture of the luminaries from Courtnie before starting the event. I will let you know when I get it up. :slight_smile:

I have just posted this in the EVENTS section. Come RSVP if you are going to participate! I hope everyone decides to!

I need more people to RSVP!!! :smiley: I’m basically bumping myself up. I’m shameless, I’ll admit it. :slight_smile:

Once again, I am shamlessly bumping my post up to try to get the word out more. I have sent my TuDiabetes friends and invite to the event, but so far only 3 have rsvp’d. Come visit the site!

Hey Cara!

I will gladly light up my yard on the 5th! I think I’ll leave out my Halloween lights to add to the ambiance.

Thanks for passing on the info


Thanks! :slight_smile:

We’re RSVPing! We’ll have luminaria out this year. This happens to be my son’s birthday, and he’s had type 1 for almost four years now. His symptoms all started around his birthday, so this is a perfect event, both personally and for awareness. Thank you for such a pretty way to start a conversation with people! Beth

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Thank you for all your support and helping make the T-1 luminary enlightenment a huge success. Harrison and family mailed more than 10,000 luminaries to families in all 50 states from Florida to Alaska and even Hawaii! Not to forget the hard work of friends sending out hundreds more. And each day since we are receiving hundreds of pictures of the luminaries lit all across our nation. Your participation on November 5th and throughout the month of November touches our hearts and means more to us than words can express (remember you can light luminaries every night in November if you want). We are overwhelmed and humbled by the support Harrison and all kids with type 1 have received. I wish I could share with you all the very special and inspirational emails and notes from type 1 families. While many of us will do anything for our kids, please know the simple act of lighting a luminary has had such an impact and provided so much hope to Type 1 families. Each day we are reminded that every moment is a blessing with our kids and we are so grateful to have the support of wonderful friends and family. Type 1 diabetes can sometimes be merciless and make you feel very alone, but for one night in November our kids saw the Nation lighting the way to a cure for them. As a parent we can’t thank you enough for sending that beautiful message of hope to our children. This was such an exciting and empowering event for our family and all the families touched by Type 1 Diabetes. Thank you very much for your generous donation to find a cure for Type 1 diabetes. We know there are many charities worthy of this donation. Please know that 100 percent of your donation went directly to research to find a cure for the millions of children with type 1/juvenile diabetes. Thank you again. We will light luminaries every year on November 5th until we find a cure. We thank you for all your support in helping find that cure throughout the year and again on November 5th 2009. Don’t forget to send us the pictures of your luminaries.
All the best to you, Harrison Heroes

I’m so glad I saw you that morning on TV. And I was glad to be able to let this community know about it. I hope it went well. You should post some of the pictures here.