Tresiba Basal Insulin

Had a chance to talk to doc in more detail about this and he is absolutely ecstatic about tresiba— he said he’s not even prescribing lantus and levemir anymore unless the patient has been using it for a long time and insist on sticking with them. He insists tresiba is vastly superior.

I questioned him about the dosing as I was concerned I might be effectively stacking doses if they actually last two days and I am taking the same dose as I took of lantus every day-- he explained that’s not really how it works because you’re still just taking the same dose of U100 insulin every day and how long it lasts really won’t change the dosing-- he did caution me to not adjust doses more often than every 3-4 days as that will confuse the whole issue with a basal that lasts so long…

He was actually really excited about it and now I am too.