Type 1 Diagnosed Later in Life 50ish

I am checked for it regularily, but it hasn’t shown up in lab results, yet. Thanks for the idea.

I’m seeing the “signs” of tiredness, weak, etc. when I get really low (40ish) now when Im 70ish but not to the extreme, but still tired. I think it’s “lighter” version of low numbers. does that make sense? Any way have started to eat energy bars when doing work around the house and outside and to lower my basal to 40-50%. Once the numbers are in the 90’s and low 100s it seems that I have energy. but it still sucks. I have no signs when my numbers are high. does anyone else get signs with high numbers? Thanks for all the responses. This is pretty cool to talk to “late” folks. Suzanne

thanks, am in total agreement. just read the think like a pancreas, good for adults too.

Hi Suzanne,

I have the same. When I’m low, but not low-low, I feel tired also. Like your expression of a lighter version:) Also feel depressed/down with lows. Before being diagnosed, I had much more energy. I can’t accomplish near the things I did before. Frustrating!

Highs, depending how high, give me a pounding headache. I feel edgy, cranky & impatient.

No, I don’t really know when I’m high until I test (though I very rarely go over 200). I also have that tired feeling when I go below 60. My symptoms are similar to what you both described and though they are subtle I can usually identify being low.

I feel like I do have less energy than before diagnosis as well, but generally have attributed it to aging, and ironically, the fact that I retired in that time period. Prior to retiring I worked a full time job and also taught two classes. Now I just teach the two classes (online) and if I do one thing during the day, that’s enough for me. I think for me, you just get the energy you need and when you don’t do much, it lessens.

Sometimes when I am high, I feel tired, but as stated before, that is not an unusual feeling for me. Sometimes I can tell by that, but not always. Once when I was fairly newly diagnosed, I was on a longish road trip and was feeling an uncharacteristic level of road range. Thinking something was up, I pulled over and tested. 400+…thanks, pizza. Once when I was new to the OPod, it slipped off and I had the classic unquenchable thirst before I realized… 300+.

Hi Suzanne- I was Dx’ed 11 years ago at age 55 as a T-1. I still don’t use too much insulin. I am on MDI and some days only take a total of 18units. You may be taking too much insulin, as several people said. I do go over 200 occasionally, but I am really trying to keep my BS in a lower zone. I don’t feel it when I go high, but I really feel the lows. My energy level is not too high, and I really get tired with a low.