I’m just curious about other Type II’s and if you have any auto-immune diseases.
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease one week prior to my Type II diagnoses. I was also diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) a few months prior. HS is a nasty skin disorder and Graves is a thyroid and eye disorder. Both are brought on because the immune system is attacking, though the reason why is not understood…
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease 16 years ago, which is one of the reasons I think I am probably Type 1.5 not Type 2, because people with 1.5 often have other autoimmune diseases. (Type II is not autoimmune).
Type 2 is not an autoimmune disease; Type 1 is. I’m not sure how often autoimmune diseases are found in the same individuals as Type 2 diabetes. I do know that they are found quite frequently in people with Type 1 diabetes.
My blood sugar was maintained for about a year on oral meds but then they stopped working and my numbers rose. The thyroid was the first thing I questioned but my thyroid is stable so I started looking for other answers and that is when I began considering that I am Type 1.5 I’m not at all sure what your doctor means when she says that “your BS numbers didn’t get better when your thyroid leveled out so that’s a clue right there that it’s not type 1”. Is this an endo?
You can get a c-peptide test and a test for the GAD and ICA antibodies which will determine your type. I have had the c-peptide which is very low, meaning I am not producing much insulin indicating likely Type 1.5. I am not able to get the antibody tests here which would be conclusive.
I was diagnosed as a T2 with metabolic syndrome 3 months ago. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and a “maybe” for lupus last week. I will see a rheumatologist in a few weeks to sort things out. My new doctor forgot to include a C-peptide and GAD antibody test to the list so I’ll ask for those tests at the next doctor visit.
The funny thing is that I completely ignored ADA recommendations for eating and stuck to a low carb diet and ate high fat foods a couple of times a week just to see how what the affect would be on my blood work. I even used a little cream in my coffee. My lipid profile improved in the last 3 months and is now very good. I lost 25 lbs.
I was diagnosed with Graves disease 7 months before being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. My Endocrinologist chose not to radiate my thyroid (he always felt it was temporary) and chose instead to monitor it. At first he put me on medication, but it raised my liver enzymes, so it had to be stopped. He also put me on Torpol XL to protect my heart from the Graves induced tachycardia. It never affected my eyes, but I always had a fever … very uncomfortable!
Within 6 months my TSH levels started to improve slowly and by Aug 2008 they were back to normal. I’ve been tested 3 more times and remain normal. I found it strange to first come down with Graves and shortly after Type 2. I started with an A1c of 6.9 and after meeting with a dietician and following the diet, I’m down to an A1c of 6 and have remained there since Dec 2007. I’m always afraid the Graves will come back.
My MD did say that Graves can be brought on by stress and I was working a very stressful job at the time. So, I ask myself, did the same stress play any part in inducing my Type 2? I will always wonder… Are you in remission?
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last August 2007. Im taking glimiperide daily with diet and exercise. I had an accident (fell from the stairs) last January of 2008, and my Lumbar 4 and 5 collapsed. During the month that I was in the hospital, I developed red patches at my back. At first they tought they were skin sores then they diagnosed it as mild psoriasis. Its an autoimmune disease characterized by inflamation of the skin and scale-like patches. My dermatologist said it may be genetic and that stress aggrevates the said condition. I was prescribed methotrexate at first but it was discontinued since the doctors feared it may affect my liver. So they gave me topical medications such as steroids and tar soap. At that time, I was in a lot of stress fearing I may not be able to walk agak. After 8 months of physical therapy and back braces. thank God I was able to walk and the psoriasis gradually healed off.
Hi Zoe,
I was dx with T2 in 1978 and with lupus in 1989. I’ve since been dx with T1.5, but it’s almost impossible that I’ve had that since 1978 because I didn’t have insulin until 3 or 4 years ago and even then only got it because of allergies and reactions to the T2 meds, which were working! I probably have ‘double diabetes’, and the T1.5 probably came way after the lupus dx.
All doctors always suspect something with thyroid for me. I did have anti-thyroid antibodies back in 1989 but all thyroid function tests since have been normal.
Often it’s the other way around - another autoimmune disease, you get some cortisone and wham, you’re into T2 which is caused by the corticosteroid.
So you can have both T2 and T1 or T1.5. Autoimmune conditions can exist with any form of D, but much more likely, as others have said, if you have T1 or T1.5 because antibodies are active and likely to target different organs.
Having features of T2 doesn’t rule out T1.5. As time passes the picture is sure to become more clear for you.
Hi, Susi. It’s amazing how different everyone’s story plays out isn’t it? I don’t have many features of Type 2, much more of 1.5 and the oral meds stopped working for me after only a year.