Updates if any on Tanning Beds and the Pod?

Good am, does anyone know if a tanning bed would effect the omnipod if you keep it on? I read a few blogs but they really were more based on the tanning line aspect. I just want to make sure the rays don't effect the mechanism or insulin

The heat may affect absorption. The pod itself should work. I would increase my testing.

I wouldn't think it would bother the pod mechanism, but UV light ( the "rays" in a tanning bed") can damage insulin. I don't know how much gets through the plastic cover of the pod, but for safety, it might be best to block the light from getting into the pod with some kind of cover.

(BTW, even without a cover, there is likely to be a "white spot" where the pod is on your body as it will block the UV from getting to your skin there.

Having never been inside a tanning bed, I have no idea how hot it gets -- but note that insulin manufacturers say the insulin should not be exposed to temperatures above body temperature as that will also degrade the insulin.



Thank you.

I tanned in a tanning bed about 2 years ago while I was on the pod. My absorption right after I would go tanning until the end of the pod life would be crappy. My solution was to put a foil case over the pump. It worked but it was kind of a hassle. But I can say that the UV rays definately effect your insulin.

I'm not telling you what to do, but I don't see how anyone who cares about their health would get into one of those UV coffins.