We are expected to find out in 1 week if schools reopen

If schools reopen, is it implied that all workplaces will re-open on-site?
Will this be an end to mandatory remote work?

Hard to make commitments with everyone else being so wishy-washy.

The labor market in Tech seems better than expected. Seemed to pick up around the beginning of July. I think that the shortage of foreign workers is forcing them to hire Americans.

Should we strong arm them on salary? What’s your gut tell you? I have the slightest inclination to negotiate. That’s never happened before.

They have decided to do distant learning in Losangeles. Keeping everyone on salary including custodial staff.
I think it’s a double edged sword. I don’t want the infection rates to go crazy but my daughter learned nothing last year.
There was almost no instruction. They just had them do work sheets on line. So now we got another year where they won’t learn.
I don’t know how you teach chemistry and physics without a lab. A lot of this is impossible.
At some point everyone will realize it is not working.
Maybe we just postpone school all together and they can resume where they left off in a year.

A lot of the heavily hit states are going to remote learning. Calif being one, especially for So Calif. Long Beach supplied computers and access for the end of last school year and 60% of kids fell behind.

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There is no shortage of foreign workers, especially as so many in the IT world now work from home. It makes no difference if the IT worker is 2 miles or 10,000 miles from the office. I can add 10 workers or 200 workers to my IT workforce in a 2 week period.

Buy her some books. Kids don’t know anything. They gotta lot of stuff they can read about.

Well what the heck are they talking about with all the uproar over there being no visas? I can’t say that I understand it. I just know that I’ve been getting offers to move into on-site employee/corporate housing facilities for really low wages and I think that American’s dont typically get those types of offers in tech. Those jobs are typically staffed by imported foreign workers. They wanted people physically onsite at corporate clients.

That is true and we do teach her. But she needs some skills to enter college. She needs chemistry. She needs physics.
Sciences are very hard to learn remotely.
Kids need the social environment.
I don’t know the best thing to do. I am just annoyed that it is such a disruption in the lives of kids, and the alternative is really not working

I’m sorry about that stuff, Timothy. It probably doesn’t make you feel any better, but we never learned anything in school. It was just a alternative to putting all the kids in jail.

You could always through her into some tech school or community college classes remotely ( I mean, like 1 or 2, max). It might be the best thing just to be aware of how much work will be coming down the pipeline once she gets to college. No one is ever prepared for that.

Maybe she could even get a class or 2 of her general education requirements done this year. That might relieve some burden once she gets to college - something easy, not math or physics. Or, she could take something that just sounded interesting to her, just to see what college is like. It wouldn’t be intimidating or unsafe because she wouldn’t have to sit in class with kids much older than her.

She could take art history or race relations or any kind of history class - something where she does a lot of reading. She could do an entry level language class.

Well the colleges are all online as well. But maybe it would more involved. Have to look into it.

I’ve taken several online college courses and was always pretty happy with the quality of instruction and the pace of them. Teachers were pretty responsive if you were stuck but you really have to be a self starter to do well with distance learning.

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There are all sorts of classes at the college that can also prove useful for college. Brushing up on math skills but at a higher and faster level. Taking a speed reading class so you can read those college materials faster, or just filling in some of the basic requirements. It will keep her occupied because she will have to apply herself more.

Some of the universities actually offer some college courses for high school students and you get credit towards college. If she is going to a community college first, you can take some of the required courses. I have a couple of friends that had their kids go to a community college first because it is sometimes cheaper to get basics out of the way and can make it easier to transfer to a university and get in to the one you want more.

Just make sure of the community college, they vary. Some are definitely better and some are just graduated high schools. So make sure it is one that credits are transferable to the college she is interested in.

I would tell her this is a perfect time to take advantage of the extra time you have to be home to sock in some college credits and start getting some college started!!!

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Check here before committing to any particular class: https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/

Any chance we could discuss the important health-related topic of schools re-opening without throwing in unnecessary and irrelevant xenophobia? And politicized conspiracy theories?


As a teacher I know it is frustrating. When we were thrust into distance learning back in March, very few teachers had any experience in it and school districts didn’t have the resources to handle it. My district has worked all summer to get everything in place to make sure we offer much better instruction this fall if we have to be remote again. Colleges have been doing distance learning for a long time and they are very good at it. If your daughter is old enough to do dual enrollment, she can take some of her classes that way and there is frequently no cost. Plus she gains college credit!