Weirdest place you placed the pod?

totally forgot to take a picture, lol. typical me. it did work well, but i formed a bruise on the 3rd day. not a super bad bruise, and it didn’t bleed when i took it off. i think i may have formed the bruise because i often sleep on my back, and it was resting on my rib cage.

next time i change my pod (tomorrow night), i’m going to try my calf. wish me luck!

alright. i did it. just now. i put the pod on my calf! it feels kinda weird, but i just put it on. so i’m going to go to bed, and see how everything works out overnight! i’ll fill you guys in once i’ve worn it for a while!

When you put the pod there does it not hit muscle? I use the back of my are for my cgm sensors and that works great, so I’m curious about this new arm spot or the pod.

how did it work?

I’ve put mine on the side, back, and front of my arms without any pain… even if the canula does go into a muscle, it’s so flexible that it doesn’t hurt. You might feel it a bit at insertion, but that’s all. Quickly fades away :slight_smile:

Did you have any trouble with reception down there? I have to bend over or be sitting to get my PDM and Pod to communicate with it on my calf :confused: sad too cause it worked really well.

Wow…my son has only done is belly and his arms so far but he has just started. So…anywhere there is an inch is ok? Any spot less responsive to insulin?

I have to bend over too to bolus and stuff, but it doesn’t bother me at all. It’s only for a few seconds and it’s worth the awesome BG results.

I really want to try my thighs but don’t want to wear short shorts to class because it’s cold in the classroom lol. And I don’t really have any skirts or anything. Does it hurt if you wear tight, non-stretchy clothing (like jeans) over a pod??

Well I went for the calf and no pain on insertion. Now just waiting to see how absorption is.

Seth -

I tried the calf about two weeks ago, and got NO ABSORPTION…over the course of a full three days. i couldnt wait to change just to get my bg’s back under control! How did this go for you?

Wow I just about had a heart attack! Bolused, ate, and checked my BG 494!!! It had only been two hours with the Pod on my calf.

Calmed myself down, went and washed my hands and 167. Much better. Gonna have to see what the next couple days are like.

Wow…what did you have to eat? did you have BBQ sauce on you fingers? Sounds like something was afoot on your fingers, no?

Funny you say BBQ sauce. I had some of my home made BBQd baked beans! And yep there is Brown Sugar and sweet sauce in there!

I thought so…bro! The same has happened so many times to me (especially after I eat a helping of my wife’s BBQ ribs…my favorite!) Stay focused and PEACE!

How has the calf insertion been otherwise? I am very curious (as I mentioned) b/c I would love to go back and try again, just wondering if anyone is having different results than I did at first!

I know you posted this forever ago, but if you do look back on the discussion, you can still wear pants with the pod on your thighs! Maybe not skinny jeans, but I’m wearing a pair of non-stretch slacks right now with the pod on my thigh! No problemo! Just be careful when taking off/putting on your clothes, it can be easy to forget the pod is there!

So I used it one both calves and got great basal absorption, but my boluses were really slow to absorb and not as effective. I was camping and out of my regular routine so that my have factored into things.

I did a 6 mile hike and had no discomfort from the “Calf Pod” but it did come loose from massive amounts of sweat and swimming. I used a little Duct Tape I had in my FAK (First Aid Kit) and that held it in place.

Insertion was a breeze. I really like the location and will try it again under more standard conditions.

Sarah Kay, just tried that shoulder spot and am loving it! So far, no skin irritation either. Yay!

Im so glad to hear that!

I haven't been experimenting as much lately but as soon as Im home from SC on the 30th, its on!