What a summer

The first news I have to share is my HA1c results came back today and I am at my all-time low, 5.8. This is after I was 7.0 about a year ago and frustrated that I was working real hard and never going to get it down. Just recently, as I have mentioned the last couple months, I took the disease by the scruff of the neck and showed who was in control. I cut out starches (bread, rice, pasta) and read every label I could get my hands on to eliminate any time of sugar I could. I rode my bike more, walked to the moon and back, read, responded to Tu, tested, tested and tested. I devoured Dr. Bernstein’s two books, my thoughts have been on nothing more. To add to my summer a couple weeks ago I went through a hernia surgery that slowed me down but didn’t cause me to lose my focus. I dropped another 5 lbs (remember that 5 I thought I never would lose, it’s gone) and feel more alive than ever. I leave for a 10-day road-trip with my brother to visit my Dad and other siblings tomorrow and am excited to get going. I then will settle into another year of teaching with more energy than I have ever had.
Thanks for the support and encouragement. If I can do it, you can too.

Congratulations, Todd! What great news to share.

Have a great road trip.

Yay! I get my HA1c checked in a few weeks for the first time after being diagnosed. I feel pretty good about it being lower.

Enjoy your trip…

Good for you!!! Keep up the good work. Sounds to me that all the struggles have been worth it :slight_smile: