I have only been on Omnipod for about a month and have had one pod fail. I noticed that when I tried to extract the insulin I didn't feel I got all that was in the pod. Any suggestions or helpful hints on the best way to do this??
I hold the pod vertically with the hole at the bottom. Sometimes it is difficult to get the plunger to move, so that the insulin can be extracted. I've had old-style pods where I couldn't get any insulin out at all. If, after a few tries, it won't come out, I just toss the pod.
I've had really good luck getting insulin out of the new pods vs. the old ones. I do the same as Jim described but I also tilt the pod at a 45 degree angle(stand it on the corner where the fill hole is)and draw the insulin out slowly.
Also, if your pod fails on priming, remove the needle cap before you try to draw it out, it lets air to be drawn in from the other side, if you don't, the plunger in the pod won't move and you won't get as much out.