What's Different about Apidra?

So my doctor just recommended that i try Apidra because I’ve been having some unexplained high blood sugars. i’ve been using it in my pump for about a week now. truthfully, i’m not sure what to think yet. i noticed a big difference when i switched from humalog to novolog, but now, i’m not sure if there is a recognizable change.
The first 3 days i was running a bit lower, but that hasn’t been consistent in the latter half of the week.
if there’s anyone out there taking Apidra, what sort of differences have you noticed from other rapid-acting insulins?

I had been taking Humalog for about 7 years or so before switching to Apidra. My endo asked some of her patients to try it for a period and give her feedback. She felt I’d be a good candidate because it was supposed to peak faster and I had a habit of bolusing haphazardly and after meals. She thought it might get into my system more quickly. I liked it and, at the time, was more than willing to have a few months of free insulin from my doc. :slight_smile:

Anyway, after that, I’ve stuck with it and feel like I have a good grip on how it works. It brings my blood sugar down to normal in about 2 hours from a high, kicks in to start working on my meal about 45 minutes or so after I bolus (so I take it 10-20 minutes ahead of a meal). Overall, I feel it’s faster than Humalog. And I’ve had no issues with clogged tubing, either.

I highly recommend this ongoing discussion called “How many pumpers or non-pumpers are using Apidra?

I think my problem is my insulin sensitivity. I use my bolus calculator everytime i eat or correct, but since using Apidra, it’s been unpredictable. I only use about 24 u/day, bolus and basal.