@Jack16 Thank you for your response and if I offended you at all apologize.
The purpose of self disclosure. I have not been diagnosed with diabetes. But I am thoroughly invested in helping those who diagnosed by it and how love and support those with diabetes.
I thought I would share the definition of words associated with “ketones” as they are defined by Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. May rationale for doing so is not to argue or to “be right” but simply to live according to my professional values as “health educator” among other professional titles that I hold and to to whatever I can to help all sorts of people continually build upon their health literacy as we are our own health advocates! 8))
I’ll start out by saying that most thinks we eat have carbohydrates in them. Even green vegetable. If the sun had any contact with it in its original form, then it contains carbohydrates. Human are carbon-based. Carbon forms the key component to all life on earth. Hence, it makes sense that ketones contain a form of carbohydrates when it goes the the process of beta-oxidation. It’s a carbonyl group.
Beta-oxidation according to Google: In biochemistry and metabolism, beta-oxidation is the catabolic process by which fatty acid molecules are broken down in the mitochondria to generate acetyl-CoA, which enters the citric acid cycle, and NADH and FADH2, which are co-enzymes used in the electron transport chain. It is named as such because the beta carbon of the fatty acid undergoes oxidation to a carbonyl group. Various mechanisms have evolved to handle the large variety of fatty acids.
According to Tabers Medical Dictionary though:
Ketoacidosos: Acidosis due to excess ketone bodies. It occurs in individuals who do not produce adequate insulin to sustain normal metabolism>
Ketoaciduria: The presence of keto acids in the urine.
Ketogenesis: The production of acetone or other ketones.
Ketolysis: The dissolution of acetone or ketone bodies.
Ketone: A substance containing the carbonyl group. Acetone, C3H60 is an example of a simple ketone.
Ketone threshold: The leve of ketone in the blood above which ketone bodies appear in the urine.
Ketone body: One of the number of substances that increase in the blood as a result of faulty carbohydrate metabolism. Among them are beta-hydroxybutyric acid, acetoacetic acid, and acetone. They increase in persons with untreated or inadequately controlled diabetes mellitus and are the primary cause of acidosis.
Ketosis: Ketosis results from the incomplete metabolism of fatty acids, usually from carbohydrate deficiency or inadequate use, and is commonly observed in starvation, high-fat diet, and pregnancy, following either anaesthesia; and most significantly in inadequately controlled diabetes mellitus. Large bodies may be eliminated in the urine. Ketosis is easily determined by testing for the presence of ketone in blood specimens.
Jack16, I agree with you that “the body can use fats, muscle and organs to fuel lack of insulin, glucose isn’t possible, leading to DKA, come and death without intervention.” The same is true for populations living with type 2 diabetes. It is called HHS (hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome).
The common thread with both DKA/HHS is the utilization of FFA (free fatty acids) as a fuel source to create ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is what the body uses so that voluntary and involuntary muscle contraction occur. Without ATP we die. Highlighting the importance of carbohydrates in our diets. In the realm of nutrition it is considered the master food.
One of the things that I tell fitness professionals (I am also a clinical exercise physiologist) to do if they have desires to work with populations living with diabetes is to gain a thorough understanding of the Krebs Cycle aka know as the TCA cycle. It is important to understand normal glucose metabolism first before one truly understand compromised glucose metabolism.
All in all, it is not possible to be ketogenic or follow a ketogenic diet with/ the body using free fatty acids as a fuel source.
Jack, I thank you for the exchange. I truly hope this post is “insightful” and not “inciteful” in a negative for this is not my purpose.
FYI, I don’t advocate any diets as it is outside of my scope of practice to do such.
Be well. 8))