Win 7 with Co-pilot

Does anyone know or has anyone been successful using Co-pilot on Win 7. My old computer crashed and I tried to load it but didn't get it to work the first time. Just had my A1c checkup and of course my endo's office couldn't download from my pdm. Any suggestions, read a few posts but didn't see if anyone is got it to work on Win7. Thanks for any help you might suggest ~Schmutz

I use it all of the time. There is nothing to worry about. If you are having send me a picture of the error and I will help you figure it out.


Do you have Win 7 Pro version? That has an "XP" emulation mode that may allow you to run it with no problem.

Abbott just released a new version of CoPilot, 4.2, that officially supports Windows 7. I downloaded it and it works fine.