Woke up low. Now sugar is STILL rising 5 hours later?

I woke up at midnight at 53. I figured it was cause i hadn’t eaten dinner, so i went ahead and backed down the basal rates a bit for that segment of the day, and then went to the kitchen to get a sandwich. I went ahead and just bolused for all 40 of the carbs as i knew the pump would compensate for the low bg on it’s own… now my BG is 220, and still rising. What happened?

EDIT: And now i'm crashing. 133 with 2.5 units of insulin onboard.

This just turned into a VERY long night.

The temporary basal rate is not meant to defeat a low that has already happened. It can be used to prevent a low in a proactive way. For example to prepare for coming physical activity. This is because the effect of a lowered TBR will kick in approximately 30 min to 1 hour after it has been activated in the pump - for some even later.

Furthermore you have not eaten dinner and went low without it. Does this mean you have bolused and forget to eat or does that mean your basal rate has dragged you down?

Why not just nuke the low with glucose tabs? If treated correctly it is just a temporary incident that will not influence the rest of the day. We all should leave the low zone as soon as possible to prevent the development of hypo unawareness.

I had had a feeling my basal rates were too high for that time, and they were, so i went ahead and changed the basal profile.

My basal rate dragged me down, and then when i woke up, i went ahead and got a sandwich, and bolused for it. Since i wasn’t terribly low, the pump only cut one unit out of the bolus to cover my low. Usually this works fine if i drop low, this is the first time i’ve ever shot up through the roof like this.

I’m currently out of glucose tabs. I ran out last night, so my mom’s going to get some today before she heads out for work. I don’t drop low or go high very often, so having both happen inside of 6 hours has really made me feel bad. Hoping the feeling will go away so i can sleep. My BG is still hovering around 120, so i may not crash. I’m going to continue to watch it just to be safe.

Like i said though, it’s odd for me to be low, eat, and then shoot up like this. It hasn’t happened in a while, and i’m clueless as to why it happened tonight.

You skipped dinner and this left you without carbs. But this also left you without insulin on board that might tail into the night. So the low was just a mild one as you wrote.

The interesting part is that you now decided to eat a sandwich at midnight without treating the low. So the only treatment was a bolus with reduced dosage for the sandwich. Very heroic in my view. For me NovoRapid is so fast it would easily overtake the digestion of the sandwich if I am low. Just the thought to bolus on an untreated low makes me sweat. This shows again how different and individual we are. Now you woke up high to my and your surprise. I do not know what happend but it shows that eating after 8pm is a bad idea. If something goes wrong you will end up high for a longer period of time while sleeping.

The glucose tabs are an out of stock article in my household. Of course I learned that the hard way.

i hate those nights. i just accept that it WON"T make sense…glad you’re safe.

So…How did it turn out? Is everything okay?

I don’t know what kind of insulin you are on, but I would not recommend bolusing for food when you are low. Personally what I do if I’m low I eat, wait 15 minutes and check to see if it’s beginning to go up.Then another 30 minutes later I check again.If at that point I notice it’s still rising and is getting close to me being out of my target range I will bolus for maybe half the carbs I ate.This always seems to work for me.As far as the high, I used to wake up with these all the time.My doc and I found I was going low in the middle of the night.Apparently when you go low your liver can kick in and produce glucose to try and “rescue” you.The problem is it doesn’t really know when to stop.Maybe this is what happened to you and it may explain the high right after a low? Hope you feel better soon though.I know how bad yo yo’ing blood sugars feel.

I’ll “bolus” if I’m in the 50s before a scheduled meal. I’ll just adjust my dose accordingly and carry on.

Dose before an unscheduled snack to treat a hypo? Sorry, I don’t have the “boluses” to do that.

Glad it worked out, kinda, for you!

Shhhh. Sometimes you can’t resist.

It takes Novolog a bit to start working on me. Usually about a half hour, about the same time as the food takes to start working on me too. I’ve done this several times in the past with no adverse effects like this. I usually do check my sugar every 15 minutes for an hour before i go back to bed, and that’s how i noticed my sugar doing crazy things last night. It leveled out around 5AM, and then i went to bed, and woke up around noon at 105, so i guess it was just one of those nights maybe?

Yeah, i’m fine now. Still kinda confused about what happened. I’mma just chalk it up as one of those nights. If it happens again, i’ll call my Dr. and see what he thinks about it.

One good thing did come from this: I finally had proof that that basal rate was too high so that i could finally lower it. Haha

That would make sense. I’ve had some nights where i’ll go to bed at 110 or so, and then wake up for a few minutes and fall back asleep, and when i get up in the morning be over 300. Hasn’t happened since i’ve been on the pump though.

It usually works out pretty well for me. I’ll just start the bolus right when i’m starting to eat, and usually i’ll be done eating before my pod finishes the bolus. I usually don’t drop any lower, and i’ll just climb back into range and stay there.

I’ve never tried, nor will i ever try, bolusing below 50 though. That’s just too low for it. I’m not COMPLETELY insane :slight_smile:

Ha I get it!!! Boluses!!! Muahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!

Bah rrrump bump…
