April 9, 2017, 7:47pm
seems to me there’s a lot of reasons to get the tests. celiac is autoimmune, so is T1 - knowing that so many adults are in fact misdiagnosed may help you convince someone to order the tests.
@Melitta mentions the relationship between GD and LADA here
They are adults who come in droves to the diabetes online community, they write about how they are puzzled how they got Type 2 diabetes, when they are young and thin and athletic [Footnote 1]. Sometimes they are middle-aged and no longer at fighting weight. Sometimes they are older or elderly. They have been given Type 2 oral medications to control their blood sugar, but the oral meds are not working despite a very low carbohydrate diet and lots of exercise. They may mention that they have a…
and she mentions the specific antibody tests to ask for here:
Despite what you may be told by medical professionals and what you might read, you (as a person with adult-onset Type 1 diabetes) are not “rare” or some “minority.” Adults represent the vast majority of new-onset Type 1 diabetes (Footnote 1); it is a widespread myth and falsehood that Type 1 diabetes is a childhood disease.
Learn all you can, but at a pace that does not overwhelm you. Good sources of learning are Think Like a Pancreas by Gary Scheiner (although he does perpetuate some myths a…
good luck and let us know what happens!
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