I am at 31 weeks with DD#2 right now and have big plans for this birth! DD#1 was born at 35.5 weeks after my water broke.(She weighed over 8 lbs and was 21 inches). I was induced, but that was mainly because I went to the hospital right away because of the late-preterm water breaking. Knowing what I know now, I would have waited at home for labor to start and labored at home for the majority of the time. I am really trying to avoid pitocin this time.
I did use an insulin pump, but if I remember correctly, had it suspended for most of the time during labor/birth. My BG was monitored every hour.
Babe was taken to the special care nursery after birth (not NICU) and stayed there for 5 days. She had jaundice and a low blood sugar, which are both common in pre-term babies and babes of diabetic mothers. We asked that she go on IV fluids to raise her BG instead of formula because I wanted to breastfeed. I pumped as much as possible those first few days to stimulate my milk supply, got her to latch on within the first few hours and gave any colostrum I was able to pump through a dropper at first. She was great with feeding and with just a slight aversion to my left side which was corrected by a lactation consultant in the second week, we BF'd until 11 months.
We were sent home with a billirubin blanket to continue to treat the jaundice but after a week at home with that, her levels were normal and there was no additional treatment.
The hardest parts for me were the pitocin/epidural and having her in the special care nursery, connected to all sorts of monitors and IVs (partly our doing since we requested the fluids IV for her BG levels). But overall, everything went well. It was 13 hours from my water breaking to the time of her birth and we have a funny, gorgeous, inquisitive 4 year old who can't wait for her baby sister to arrive!
We're trying to keep this baby cooking for a little longer and avoid the interventions we had with DD#1. We have hired a doula time to assist in the labor and delivery since I am hoping to proceed much more naturally this time. We are also living in Argentina now (in the USA for DD#1), which complicates matters a little bit and I wanted a go-between to advocate for our wishes with hospital/birthing staff.
The best thing you can do for your baby right now is try to relax and know that your baby will arrive at the right time for him/her. I was very stressed with work for DD#1 and I'm convinced that contributed to my the early birth. Also, know that ultrasound weight estimates can be WAY off. Your body is made for birth and you CAN have a vaginal delivery, even with diabetes and a big baby. From the stories I've heard/read, it is not uncommon to have a 10, 11 or even 12 lb baby delivered vaginally, many times without a tear. Google it. There are some great, uplifting stories of natural births of large babies.
My doula was just telling me that larger babies many times are easier to deliver because they can react better to the stresses of labor and delivery. Smaller babies do not shift/react as readily and can be tougher. Not completely sure about that but I'm choosing to believe it's true ;)
Enjoy this final stretch and try not to be bullied into a C-section if it is not clear that its medically necessary. Size alone is not a necessity!
Hugs and best of luck to you!!