I am 27/M 195 lbs--- I could stand to lose some weight I know, but not obese or that overweight. I often don't sleep as long as I should, so maybe this is part of it, but during the day around 3 months ago I would often get really drowsy and want to take a nap, but usually didn't nap and just felt kinda loiw energy at points in my day. Some days it wouldn't happen, some days it would, sometimes after eating, sometimes without eating... it was kinda of random.
I got worried so bought blood glucose test. I did some random tests and they ranged from 115-129 usually. After a couple hours of eating usually 122 or so I'd say... One time I ate a ton of ice cream and tested it in 30-45 min and I think I was at 136-144 or so. I Felt satisfied that I probably was over worried, although it didn't seem in the healthy range
For the last couple days I can't stop peeing----Strangely, I am not very thirsty though just have to urinate a lot. It hit vvery suddenly, never had this before yesterday. I suppose it could be a lot of things but it awoke my worries of diabetes again.... I bought more test strips + urine test and after not eating for 5 hours (was super stressed all day and not eating... maybe stress raised it) I had 126 glucose on blood strip... urine glucose was negative. I am having dinner and will test in 2 hours.
Should I be worried? How high is your blood glucose when u feel tired? At my worst tired feeling I tested glucose and it wasn't very high... would it be high, for it to be corellated? I know negative urine does not rule it out either.. I peed an hour ago and feel like i want to again; and my recent test was 127. Would I need higher glucose than that for the urine to be glucose related?
I hope I'm just not getting enough sleep and the urine thing is a fluke--maybe from eating too much salt.
I'm no expert, to be sure, having only been diagnosed for six weeks, but with that caveat, it doesn't sound like your BG numbers are way out of line. Glucose testing meters are not as accurate as lab tests, though. The meters can be off by as much as 20% and still be considered accurate.
See your doctor and tell him or her what you've told us. Ask to be tested. The test results are usually available within a day or two.
While you're at it, ask for a thyroid test, too. The fatigue you're describing is a common symptom for underactive thyroid. If you do have hypothyroid, it's easily treated with a daily dose of synthetic thyroid hormone.
You may have a mild urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs are often painful, but not always! Your doctor should have you tested for that, too, and if it's positive, a short course of antibiotics or a sulfa drug will clear it up.
It's good that you're paying attention to what your body is doing. If you think that something's amiss, you may be right. Talk to your doctor!
Go get your blood sugar tested and see. The longer you wait, the more potential you have to get worse symptoms. You could have pre diabetes, or not. But better to know than not. Just my two cents.
I agree with the above. There is a number of things it could be and it might not be anything serious at all, BUT the only way to know for certain is to make an appt with your doctor and discuss your concerns. Keep us posted.
127 is out of normal limits if you'd gone to the doctor but I think they would want to check your fasting BG rather than your BG after you ate "a ton of ice cream". Maybe test in the AM, before you eat and see where that is. That being said, BG meters are not massively accurate and there are also other tests, c-peptide, I can't recall what the other ones are.
When I was dx'ed I think that my BG was like 600 something so it was much more out of line. Do you have any family history of T1 and/ or T2? That would be another thing to consider. Thyroid problems can also lead to unexplained fatigue so that could be the culprit too. Lately I have been dragging as it seems like every year the change of seasons leaves me more dragged out.
You are showing all of the warning signs I ignored about this time last year. You should be concerned, but don't sweat it too much. The numbers you are seeing are higher than the normal ranges, but not by a lot. It's good that you're recognizing the symptoms and taking action.
Acidrock is right about the testing. Test yourself first thing in the morning, before you eat anything. If you are in the 100-120 range, that is a warning sign. As far as the feeling bad goes, I feel drowsy around 120. I get so tired I could pass out at around 140. WebMD has a reference chart, but remember it's not a definite thing. Everyone is different You really should go see a doctor.
I was diagnosed as Type 2 this past February (I was 23, 250lbs), so I'm relatively new to this, but let me share my experience. I started noticing the symptoms you are describing around this time last year. I also had blurred vision to the point I had to get glasses. It wasn't until a health screening at work in February of this year revealed me to be really high (I thought I was just sick), that I went and got it checked out. I was diagnosed Type 2 and immediately changed my diet. I mostly cut out carbohydrates and my numbers dropped like a rock over the next few days. Over the next few months, I became more and more stable and eventually was able to add some carbs back into my diet. My A1C ( average blood glucose over several months) has been within the normal ranges the past 2 times I've had it checked. I lost 25 lbs in 6 months off the diet change alone, and have now started on an exercise program.
Also, AnnBemrose had a really good point as well - Get the thyroid test. I also had an underactive Thyroid, and getting that in line had a large impact on me. It's a simple fix of taking a pill in the morning, but a messed up Thyroid can have a major impact on your body.
I'm telling you all this because I was in a similar situation, and have had a lot of success. Don't be afraid of this. You may be diabetic; you may be pre-diabetic; you may just have Thyroid problems - you just need to get it checked, and start managing it. If it is Diabetes, it's not the end of the world. You may be able to control it purely with diet and exercise. At this point, I actually think it has been a good thing for me. It's forced me to be more responsible with my health, and I've made some great improvements thanks to it. I actually feel better, and am probably in better health now than when I was in college. It can be frustrating, and making the necessary lifestyle changes isn't easy, but your health is worth it in the end. I count myself extremely lucky that I have been able to manage it so well, and I wish you the best of luck.
I tend to get tired when my BG is over about 250. A lot of people get tired sooner, though, some at 200 or even 150. I think most people start spilling glucose in their urine at 160-180 (you can google and find out). For me it seems like I need to be at 180 or higher to spill glucose.
Type 1 diabetes tends to come on suddenly with severe symptoms and very high blood sugars (and ketones). I was diagnosed at age 9 and I have no idea exactly how high my blood sugar was but I know it was well over 500 at the time. Symptoms I had were EXTREME thirst (literally was never NOT thirsty), peeing a lot, fatigue, weight loss, and feeling sick to my stomach (closer to diagnosis). These symptoms lasted a couple of weeks before I was diagnosed. When I was diagnosed I was a day or two away from going into a coma, according to the doctors. Type 1 in adults can be slower than in children, though.
Type 2 diabetes comes on more slowly and usually with lower blood sugar levels and more subtle/drawn-out symptoms.
I agree with the others that I would go to your doctor and ask to get some bloodwork. Your numbers don't seem high to me but if it is diabetes the sooner you find out and can do something about it the better. And since there are lots of things besides diabetes that can cause your symptoms, your doctor will be able to treat whatever else is causing the problem, if it's not diabetes.