3-unit insulin syringes marked in tenths of a unit

I wonder if anyone else is disgusted with the kinds of syringes we have to deal with? I want a nice really small bore syringe that can deliver 3/10th of a unit if that’s what I want. Am I asking for too much? I don’t want to have to give myself more glucose to be able to give myself a whole unit!!


I agree completely!

You can get half unit syringes… my doctor suggested diluting insulin with saline solution… I never actually tried it. But it might be a useful idea!

Half unit isn’t enough. I’m thinking of when I’m 135 at bedtime. I have to take 3 grams glucose to go up to 155; then I can take 3 units insulin to drop (correction factor 1:20) to 95. But it’s not always even that simple. My correction factor changes with the arthritis med I take. Easier if I could simply figure on taking tenths of a unit in the first place. .

I never had a need for “tenth” unit injections on MDI but in my opinion dilution would be your best friend. You could accurately dose fractional units insulin using a 1/2 cc syringe and properly diluted U-100 insulin.
(haha I guess you would be making you own U-50 or U-25)

off topic, pumps can meet the fractional dose challenge, too. Take care!

pumps can do this–but if you need to do MDI for any reason–and it does happen from time to time–it is hard to do the fractionals–my choice because I am insulin snesitve is to run high or go low–so the only reasonalbe choice is to drop the fraction and run high–not a good situation

Guess What! I went to a children with diabetes web site and found instructions etc. Everything I needed! Only can use it with Humulin insulins, but there it was - the tenths I was wanting!