I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to the picnic that I host at my home in SE Michigan. All people with diabetes and their families are invited. The last two years we have enjoyed great food and fellowship. It will take place on July 27th beginning at 3pm. All you need to bring is a dish to pass, any “Special Drinks” you might want and lawn chairs. Hot dogs, buns, condiments, ice tea, and water is provided. If interested just let me know.
Anyone thinking about coming to this?
I am new kid on the block enjoying the opportunities learning at 91 years,young ,geezer,new skills through this fantastic website. I live in TORONTO where INSULIN was discovered, by DRS.BANTING & BEST, July 30 1921. My connection to the BANTING family started in 1977, when I was diagnosed as a diabetic after driving from MONTREAL to BOSTON, almost clinically dead with a sugar count of 880. Since I met the family,and I had a second chance, I have devoted my life to help as many diabetics as I can see the POSITIVE side of diabetes. I am asking insulin-dependent diabetics, who are living a healthy lifestyle to join me, in silence,and give THANKS for this Canadian medical miricle thatis keeping hundreds of millions of us alive today, JULY 30 annually and thanks for giving me an idea of a picnic for diabetics. and I am definitely interested. We are forming a small group called the AMIGOS, and our fundraising ptoject is selling BLUE ROSES. O0ne of the meanings is ATTAINING THE IMPOSSIBLE, our motto. check out www.DefeatDiabetes, org and ANDY MANDELL,who is nearing completion of his 10,000 trip around the U.S. Our picture is in the site of WAKE UP AND WALK TOUR AUGUST 2005. Check out www,restorethebantinghomestead, com AMIGO clarence.haynes@sympatico.ca