A low-carb discussion without the emotional noise ***Update*** with video link

Well, I will watch the video, and I'm sorry if I came across as "hostile", but in my opinion it is NOTHING compared to the general treatment of the ADA and the profession of nutritionists around here. Here's only one example: https://forum.tudiabetes.org/topics/guess-what-a-low-carb-diet?

Here in one post - actually in one paragraph - Tu Administrator bsc states that the ADA is "Not objective, tragically flawed and completely untrustworthy. But I am not sure whether it is due to incompetence or outright corruption. In either case, I am angry that these falsehoods and lies continue".

Huh? All I did was call Berstein (the diet doctor who tells us we T1's must never again eat any fruit, bread, rice, milk, carrots, corn, beets, tomatos, etc. etc.) an "extremist". Did I write anyting remotely as "hostile" as what was written about the ADA?

Or in the recent thread where Gary Scheiner, one of the best writers about managing T1, was attacked as "a self defined 'expert'", "misinformed", "less than credible", "blatant definite bias", etc. all for the crime of suggesting that in his experience keeping carb intake to a minimum of 100g per day is useful to simplify control for a T1. If the low-carb group here is really so open-minded, wouldn't it be possible for Scheiner to state his opinion based on his years of experience managing T1 without being attacked for it?

Why is hostility called out only when it is directed at an ultra-low-carb extremist like Bernstein? Terry, if you are sincere about hoping to reduce emotional noise here when discussing diet, I hope you will direct some of your calming influence towards the hostile posts from the ultra-low-carb group here.