Well today started out as most Sundays would but ended not quite so well. Tonight i had a seizure from low blood sugar. I used to have them shortly after diagnosis up to around age 5. Then went til around my junior and senior year of high school where i batteled them again. It has been ten almost eleven years since i have had one. I hate waking up to emt’s and to see the look on my roommates face. I had treated a low blood sugar shortly before and tested 15 min later and it was 95. So i went to go watch some television with my roommate around 12min later i was having a seizure. When EMT’s checked my blood sugar i was 35. It took them about 13 min to get to my house according to my roommate. My roommate told me my diabetic alert dog Dutchess had woken him up whining because i was not responding to her alerting. Then i started to seize. I have had an increase in major drops in blood sugar over the past 3 months. I am thinking there is another endocrine issue that could be contributing to it but not sure what. I have been tested numerous times to see if i had epilepsy but it always comes back negative.
Weird part it that usually i don’t seize until im under 13. I have gone almost 3 years since my last emt visit was hoping to avoid them all together but that did not happen. Just at a loss about what to do. I want to avoid having seizures in the future. So frustrated but feeling blessed my roommate was home tonight.
Just a weird thought but maybe the number needed after a low is higher than we are told to do. In other words, we are told we are okay at 80, but maybe give more than the 15 gms of carb, as in another dose if the number is 95, and make it a criteria of 120. So two doses 15 minutes apart, of 15 gms? I have had it where I am okay, and it drops down for a second time. That is what it sounds like to me.
The last couple of weeks i am continually needing more carbs to treat lows. Im not sure what the change has been. Infact i was shocked i had such a dramatic drop when i was not really stressed out. Usually i can drop in minutes when im stressed. I feel so lucky my roommate and my diabetic alert dog was there.
Tarra, lets all be glad its today, and what happened is gone in the past…Maybe you should see your Dr and ask to have your Adrenals checked…I have one, lost the other to a Tumor, and my BS go wild and low because just having one rocks the boat badly…
Sometimes people get fatigued adrenals, and its all kinds of stress that can do it. Highs and lows happening alot can be stressful for our Organs.
But I am glad you are ok and here with us, and bless that doggie for doing her job, and thank God your roomate was home…Debbie
I was wondering if my adrenal glands are struggling. I have way too many lows. I dont have very many highs which is good. My body seems most of the time to struggle with handling stressful situations. I usually end up with crazy drops in blood sugar. These drops can happen in just a few minutes. I do feel lucky that i have people and my dog around. It was yesterday and luckily today the blood sugars have been good.