A very short rant

If I hear one more Dr. tell me I no longer have diabetes, just because I worked my ■■■ off to stay healthy and managed to bring my a1c down to 5.8, I am gonna scream!!! Last I heard there is no cure. If i don’t take vigilant care of absolutely everything I do… my numbers will go back up…still a diabetic…always will be. I just happen to have excellent control at the moment. grrrrrrrrrr!!!

This is one of the double-edged swords of diet-controlled Type 2 diabetes. We have it, have been diagnosed with it, but when it has been arrested/controlled by diet and exercise alone, our bloodwork no longer triggers the appropriate diagnostic criteria, so the condition is missed by any doctor not already familiar with our medical histories.

This may be why a number of screening sites ask “have you ever been diagnosed with” or “has anyone ever told you that you have” questions. The flip side of that equation is that there are things I’ve been told I had, which happened to be misdiagnosed…

That is interesting - I wasn’t actually aware that such misdiagnoses were common. But it’s true - there is no cure currently, a person can not be healed just like that. Keeping oneself healthy is great, but a permanent cure is something endlessly different.

I know.. it gets a little frustrating sometimes, especially when these people are supposed to be up on all these things. PHD's and all.