I have to tell you as a T2, almost without exception T2 drugs do little to help your fasting numbers. I have tried nearly all of them and finally made the decision to move to insulin as Gary did. In practice, a constantly elevated fasting blood sugar and large Darn Phenomenon (DP) does indicate that you just don't make enough insulin. Period.
The one medication you may consider is of the new class SGLT2. It is called Invokana. Pretty much all the rest of the drugs work mostly be helping your response to meals. But a low carb diet is much more effective. The only problem is that Invokana is new and likely quite expensive. You can ask your doctor about it.
In the end, this is really your decision. I talked extensively about moving to insulin with my doctors. You can read about my decision in my post from 2011. There is no failure in using insulin, it is just another treatment. We all deserve the opportunity to treat our diabetes within our means to achieve the best outcomes.