I've been lurking here for a few months and it's nice to be here among such knowledgeable people!
I'll try to give a brief as possible synopsis of my diabetes history: In 2001, I was diagnosed with diabetes with a fasting blood sugar of 240. It was surprising, since I was a 34 year old guy, who was 5'10" and never weighed over 150 lbs (135 at diagnosis), in good shape and had no family history of diabetes. I immediately did a lot of reading online and wondered if I was actually Type 1. However, my PCP didn't think it was necessary to test and treated me as a Type 2 (which I now know is way too common). With metformin and carb restriction, I was able to keep my numbers in line. As the years went by, my A1C crept up from the high 4s, through the 5s to above 6, while reducing daily carbs, increasing metformin to the max dose and adding glyburide.
Then in February of this year, my numbers were suddenly out of control. I was waking up in the 200s, with a few readings over 300, despite eating as few as 30 carbs per day. My PCP suggested upping the glyburide and still didn't want to do the antibody test. At that moment I was done with him and scheduled an appointment with an endocrinologist.
The endo was great, immediately mentioned LADA and ordered the antibody tests. My GAD test came back at 53.5 (lab standard <5), which confirmed our suspicions of LADA. He started me out on 10 units of Lantus, with no basal. My daytime numbers were great, but I woke up the first morning at 56. I had to continue lowering the dosage because I was waking up low (even after bumping my bg up to 135 right before bed), which was a surprise since I always had my worst numbers in the morning due to dawn phenomenon. At 5 units upon waking, the morning numbers were much better, although I could only eat about 10-15 carbs per meal to keep my numbers in the normal range (obviously needing a bolus, which is on the agenda for my next appointment).
That brings us to this week when I couldn't keep my morning numbers up on only 5 units of insulin. One night, I went to bed at 135, got up 3.5 hours later at 54, corrected, and was back down to 66 when I got up 4 hours later. It appears my pancreas may be on a last chance power drive. So I wondered what would happen if I didn't take any insulin (but just took metformin). I'm on day 2 and I've only one post-prandial reading above 130. I woke up this morning at 98, which is better than most of my pre-insulin readings in the last 10 years (even when my A1C was in the 5s).
tl;dr version: I've been Type 1 (specifically LADA) for 13+ years and just went on insulin 6 months ago. I'm still keeping my numbers in line with only a few units, if any, insulin. Has anyone experienced a honeymoon this long??
I know the consensus is that it's best for a Type 1 to go on insulin ASAP to maintain endogenous insulin production (and I don't doubt that), but for some reason I made it this long on oral meds and low carb.
As Seinfeld would ask, "What's the deal with his pancreas?"
I appreciate any insight!