Here is a message from a T1D Facebook friend. I don’t believe this, but I wanted to present it here for discussion. I researched the Accord Study, and found it involves T2D research. It is still an interesting study from 2010?
“Richard Vaughn here’s a study about how an A1c below 6 actually increases mortality. In the 2008 ACCORD trial it was found that patients in intensive diabetes management programs who had an A1C below 6 had an increased risk of cardiovascular complications to those with an A1C of 6-6.5 Likewise, those with an A1C greater than 7 had similar increased risks. This has lead to more recommendation of an A1C of 6.5 as well as increased research and study into the cause of reduced risks at an A1C of 6.5. A study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism also points to 6.5 as a target A1C due to its association with a reduced risk of all cause mortality. This study found that for people with diabetes an A1C less than 5.6 or higher than 7.4 there was a marked increase in all cause mortality than for those patients with an A1C of 6.5.”