Actos vs Januvia?

My first Endo appt was yesterday. I didn’t like him. So, I walk out of the office telling my husband I will not do anything this man tells me!!

I have had a chance to calm down and now am wondering…which is better Actos or Januvia?

I currently am on a low does of Glipizide and taking Januvia at the same time. If I have my pharmacology right these two drugs do the same thing, urge my body to produce more insulin. Why two drugs to do the same thing?

Actos would help with insulin resistance (again not sure of my facts).

I have seen 3 different doctors at this point and they all seem to want to just throw drugs at me without explaining to me why they want me to take them, I asked this Dr. 3 times and he just kept spitting out the difference between IR and Low Insulin.

Anyway, I would love to hear what everyone thinks are the lesser of these 2 evils before I test drive another Doctor.

I have been on the both of them without success. The Actos made me swell from the ankles up(talk about cankles!) I felt bloaty all the time, and just crappy in general! Then when the Janumet which is Metformin/Januiva mixed was introduced to me,I got all the side effects of the Januvia,headache, upper respiratory infection etc.I still am trying to get over the URI.This is just my experience and I am sure that it works well for others. I think it is just a trial and error thing to find out what works best.
I am now just taking the Metformin which I have been on for almost 6 years 2000 a day 1000 morning and 1000 night along with my new regamine of Insulin. there are some ugly things that go along with metformin such as the “back door trots” but i found these to mostly dissapear the longer i was on it. And now I love the Met and would not trade it for anything.!
Sometimes finding the right doc is just like finding the right treatment plan,You have to try them over and over till ya find the right one! I am sure that you will find the right answers here,there are so many people who have a wealth of information on this disease that I still have no clue about! But im learning slowly but surely and the right way thanks to all the great people here!

I take Actos and Januvia. I haven’t gained any weight or had any noticeable side effects. My A1c is down to 5.7 (12.4 at diagnosis 7 months ago).