Well, not quite, title was meant to be provocative.
But I do feel like I’m sort of reluctant to ramp down my son’s insulin dosing even though I know I need to.
Here’s the story. My son pretty much always heads towards low somewhere between 9:30 am and 10:30 am. Like clockwork. Every day. He never goes low because it’s so predictable and on cue that the teacher basically just hands out the gummy without thinking about it, but that means he’s getting a 4 gram shot of glucose as his “snack” every morning.
Then, he slowly rises just barely over his low threshold, eats lunch, which I don’t bolus him for at all, and then he just drifts from about 80 to about 110 over the course of his nap. If he’s running a little higher I set a temporarily low target, which ups the automatic basal rates issued by openAPS.
The issue is that I KNOW this morning low means either his basal or his bolus for the breakfast is too high…but it’s also really helping me get work done and his blood sugar numbers are pretty great for the rest of the day. The fact that I don’t even have to go to school to bolus for his lunch is HUGE for my work productivity. Plus, by not bolusing him for lunch there’s no chance of him going low during nap time, when their staffing is the most erratic.
I’m also scared to try dropping the insulin dosing because when I have lowered the basal by 0.025 units per hour in the past, or weakened his carb ratio by 1 or 2 points, he winds up going hugely high in the mid-morning, which messes up the rest of the day, leading to lows later, plus I have to go to daycare five times in a day, rather than once or no times.
But clearly this is not the “correct” dose for him.
I guess I’m asking for advice on How would you go about deducing what causes the low, and if I fix this problem, is there a way to still get the basal to mostly cover lunch so I don’t have to go in and administer insulin?
For instance, should I try shifting when he eats before I make changes? Should I try ramping down the basal more gradually before 10:30 am ? (I sort of don’t want to do that because his basal program looks quite erratic as it is and it’s hard to debug and make changes when there are too many basal segments.)
He usually eats between 6am and 7:30am, but the amount he eats varies from about 28 grams up to 45 grams of carbs. carbF is 1:20 for the morning (1:28 later in the day).
His program looks like this:
6am .325 u/hr
7:30 am .525 u/hr
10:30 am .225 u/hr
12:30 am .425 u/hr
2:30 pm . 25 u/hr
Clearly, the zig-zagging in the basal rates is a compensation for some other problem. But it mostly works well…so I’m loathe to switch it up.
What would you try first?