All deliveries stopped

I use a t:slimX2 pump which I’m generally very happy with. However, lately, it has been stopping delivery of my insulin just when I need the insulin the most - usually when my reading is over 200. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it a settings problem?

Can you give a little more info? Is it just suspending because you’re dropping rapidly, or is giving an inactivity timeout alert, or what?

In most cases my BS is rising. I just suddenly get an “All deliveries stopped” error message. It happens about once every two or three days for no apparent reason. I then resume insulin with no problem.

More details on errors.

May be a bad batch of cartridges.

I had it happen only once.

l’ve never seen Control IQ shut off delivery except when the CGM showed my BG trend was plumeting, I was below 130 and the graph showed it would go low if the continued. It’s never hapened when I was over 180, only when sleeping and I had a compression low.

I have seen Control IQ turn itself off whenever the pump hjas lost communication with my CGM. Then it switched to my profile settings and stopped modulating flow.

Assuming that you’ve uoloaded your data, your best bet is to call the Tandem Cares number and tell them that you’re worried about the pump which has been shutting off delivery when you are high. They can pull up your pump history and interpret what happened.

Or you could look in your pump log Options/History/Pump History/Control IQ at the time period starting before you know the insulin was cut off. It should show what is happening just before it shurts off delivery.

I’ve only experienced it when
1: I have manually stopped the pump
2: when the pump was empty of insulin
3: there was an apparent occlusion.

All were easily addressed. With #3, I hit “restart” and it did so

When you are high and you pump more insulin, the site can fail and stop absorbing. Also pumping more insulin can cause back pressure in the site causing an occlusion and that very message. You can change sets or massage the site.

be sure you are not using quick bolus. Sometimes that can short circuit the process.