It’s still happening like clockwork. Every work day the low happens. Some days 1 snickers bar fixes it, other days 2 snickers bars isn’t enough. One day, at home, the low came and I ate a meal and then 2 hours later had a BG of 105. I stopped all morning insulin for weeks now. On work days, I drive to first job site and then eat a candy bar. It doesn’t matter if my BG is 180. After the first two hours I am down under 100, sometimes well under 100 and I have to eat another candy bar just to finish the last 1 hour job. Last night I felt low after my first job, but since the second job was easy as no one was in the office since last cleaning, all I had to do was a walk through to check if it needed anything touched up. I bore the low, drove home, BG was 95 and I cooked dinner, used my mealtime insulin and all was good. But the drive home was not exactly safe at all. I was not 100 percent. This is happening more and more to me and it is also happening when driving.
What really got me worried was what happened last Sunday. I usually do a lot of vigorous work on Saturday and also on Thursday because those places are really dirty. Sunday was easy because I did all the hard work on Saturday and merely go to the first two jobs to tidy up in the chance someone came into the office on Sunday. I did not even walk fast, do any strenuous work, or even bust a sweat and I had a severe low that required two candy bars to get me well enough to drive home, then a low hit again and after those two candy bars, I was barely at a BG of 70. I had another half a bar, dinner, then insulin, and was 123 BG at the three hour mark. I mean, just walking around some is causing the lows.
I now leave things alone. Average BG is running at 160 most of the day and I correct it at night and somewhere in between it being good after the meal and next day, it does it’s thing again. I guess imma leave it like it is and just continue to live in fear of low BG every time I am in public, or at work. It is like clockwork now. It’s about as predictable as the sunset.