And the A1C is!

Drum Roll Please...... 5.5, I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself I had to tell my TuD friends. To say the least I was pleased and the Endo was pleased. He cautioned me about not running low to often but said I was doing great.

This was only my second visit with this Doc and I'm still trying to feel him out. I went in with a lot of questions and was pleased with the answers I received.

He supports a low carb diet if it is within reason. When I described my approach to eating he was supportive and said it falls within his guidelines.

We talked about exercise and what was an appropriate amount. I really thought that I had become obsessive about it. He calmed my fears and assured that it was not overboard.

Lastly we talked about pumps. He said that control wise I probably would not benefit from a pump and for me the decision to use a one would be a lifestyle decision. I had taken with me a very extensive logbook of readings, injections and carb counts so he said that he felt that I would be successful using one and that he would be supportive if I wanted one. He told me to think about it and give him a call and he would start the approval process.

Looks like now I have a decision to make. Please help me folks, I don't know what to do. I have batted this one back and forth in my mind for some time and I'm still no closer to a decision.


Stemwinder, it sounds as if you've been working hard and getting it all together really well! Congratulations!
It sounds like you have a wonderful, supportive Endo.
When thinking of a pump, get Pumping Insulin by Walsh, and keep thinking while you read. Maybe you've already done your reading, but you want to be well educated about them. Read the pump posts, too. And the T1 forum posts on pumping.
And again, congrats!

Hey, Gary, Congrats are definitely in order!

Whether or not to get a pump is definitely an individual decision. But since you mentioned your endo saying you "would not benefit from a pump and it would be a lifestyle decision" I'll share my own experience. I felt for quite awhile that I didn't "need" a pump because my A1C was decent (not as good as yours - 6.3 then) and because I had plenty of time to do shots. But then after I started my Type 1 Women's Group I saw the majority of the women in the group had pumps and then I realized I didn't "need" a pump, but I still "wanted" one. I love my pump now and wouldn't go back, but you'll figure what is right for you. Pumps have their own downsides, but for me the upside is better than the downside. Let us know what you decide when you do, I feel like there is almost a pressure to get a pump these days but they aren't right for everyone.

Again, great job!

Thanks Zoe, I have read your posts about the problems you have been having with set failures. Knowing this your statement that the upside is better than the downside means a lot.


Thank Leo, I think I'm going to keep this endo. I have read from lots of folks that their endo just doesn't understand. So far this one does.

I was on top of the world when I left the endo's office today and not only because of the good A1C but also because I think he understands.


gary, thats fabulous! excellent a1c and glad youve got a great endo who is on the same page! ive got the same a1c and im on shots. at the beginning i really wanted a pump but as long as im well controlled on shots im gonna stick with them. saying that, if i had insurance that covered one, id prolly get it, try it, and if i didnt like it i could alwys change back to shots...hard one, esp when shots seem to be working for you!

Kudos! Great work on a stellar A1c.

You've got a good doctor, a rarity. Can't help with the pump decision because I don't want one to share the positives. Yea, a minority opinion. Failures, scar tissue, expense & waste are the negatives to me. Not excited at the idea of being tethered either.

Agree with Zoe that there's some pressure, or people feel disadvantaged without a pump. Nothing magical about one that assures tighter control, but many do better with variable basal rates if that's helpful for you.


Great work Gary! For me, the choice of pump or not to pump would come down in what activities I participate. As a swimmer and hockey player, the choice would be made for me - though more because of hockey than swimming since there are water proof pumps out there. One slap shot, hard fall, or check into the boards would most likely break any pump out there.

Again congratulation and best wishes for your continuing success!


Awesome job SW! That's a great achievement! Re the pump, the other thing that I noticed almost immediately when I got the pump was that it seemed like much less work for me. Before, and admittedly I had a rather flawed paradigm, I was always running low, going to be running low soon, getting over running low (running high on the rebound?) or mysteriously not low (high?) which was quite a bit of work to "babysit." I was able to get smoother "lines" almost immediately on the pump and iron a some rough spots with the better data tracking I obtained because I am a total slacker about writing things down.

5.5 is a great result but, if you find yourself working to do a lot (not that I don't work with the pump but it's easier...) you can may be able to make some free time for yourself. A pump is a very effective assistant telling me stuff like "you ate 2 hours ago, test, or blow it off if you want too, you didn't eat that much and only have .4U of insulin on board, that's no biggie..."

You "got it going on" Gary!! I am proud and happy for you.

God bless,

And as for the pump, You have a very cool doc. If the MDI is working for you, keep at it.I personally like the convenience of the pump and ability to make changes to basal rates depending on time of day, illness ,my activities, etc..But you seem to have mastered your basal doses of insulin with such areas of concern; and with exercise,as well.
Gary,Keep at what works FOR YOU, and what you feel comfortable with.
God bless,

Great A1c.....
If you like gadgets, "being detail oriented, and you can handle the financial issues, get a pump, if nothing else it will change the way you manage your BG, it's the gold standard in insulin therapy. For years I though spending money on a pump was excessive but I was just counting how many Tee times I would give up, looking back it has been money well spent.

Congrats SW; keep up the good work. Pumping is much better than injections for me. In the beginning the pump is alot more work with all the setup testing. After that it gets alot better.

Good job.

I really think that pump is the way to go, even if you are on track. As AR says, it is so much easier. One injection (cathedar) every three days instead of 4-7 daily. Pump fits in my pocket and it all I need--no baggage to lug around. It has given me a lot of freedom that you never get on MDI.

Congratulations Gary!

I think you might have answered your own question. Our number one priority as diabetics is good blood sugar control. You're clearly doing an excellent job. A pump is a good way to achieve good control for many, but you're already there with MDI. Hence, it really becomes a matter of personal preference. I've read many arguments for and against. My preference is MDI because I'm not comfortable in relying on technology (ironic, since I work in IT, but maybe that's why... :-) ). If you have a good insurance plan, give it a try. You can always revert to MDI if you wish.


WOWOWEE, well done to you. I feel excited just reading your post, well done. I'm aiming for 6% next appointment. I'm thinking also of asking for a pump.