Another decent day

Today I had 105g of carbs, mostly because I ate out at lunch and because 12g of that was Skittles for treating lows. Today was a bit of a roller coaster day but not too bad. Still would like to hit a place where I can consistently stay in the 4-10 (70-180) range, but I’m not there yet … As usual, open to any suggestions!

1:28 AM - 5.1 (92)

7:00 AM - 3.3 (59) - Skittles (8g), breakfast (15g)

8:59 AM - 12.8 (230) - Correction

11:09 AM - 6.3 (113) - Lunch (50g)

2:16 PM - 10.1 (182) - Correction

4:23 PM - 5.1 (92) - Snack (8g), no bolus as per IOB

7:17 PM - 3.6 (65) - Skittles (4g)

7:50 PM - 6.2 (112) - Dinner (20g)

9:17 PM - 7.8 (140)
11:02 PM - 9.5 (171) - Correction (via pen)