Another day

Ah well, it seems like I’m making this blog into sort of a logbook! Hopefully it will a) keep me accountable (even though I’ve been really good about that either way) and b) help me get to a point where I can actually STAY in the range I would like to stay in (4.0-10.0, 70-180) for a whole 12 or 24 hours!

Today I had 80g of carbs.

9:44 - 10.1 (182) - Breakfast (15g), correction

11:39 - 7.7 (139)

1:01 - 8.1 (146) - Lunch (25g), correction

2:25 - 7.0 (126)

4:31 - 5.1 (92) - Snack (15g)

6:16 - 6.4 (115) - Dinner (25g)

8:11 - 11.9 (214) - Correction

10:15 - 7.3 (131) - Correction (0.5 unit)

11:55 - 5.3 (95)