Hello everyone! I'm Elena, female, 40, and was diagnosed Type 1 (or maybe LADA) on 9/30/2014. It's been an interesting ride since then, to say the least.
I think I am still in the grieving process--it was several weeks before I didn't cry EVERY day about it, though I can still get teary and depressed pretty easily. I had been having prediabetes numbers for about a year prior to diagnosis, which the doctor and I both kind of pooh-pooh'd since I don't fit the mold for type 2 (I'm 5'4" and 110, no family history). But I had blood drawn on 9/30 and my fasting blood sugar was 288 and my A1C was 9.4. :( He started me on Janumet but I took only maybe 3 doses of that before he realized that I was more likely type 1 (I had major ketones, though my numbers were "only" in the high 200s with a couple of excursions into the 300s). Now I'm on Lantus at night and Humalog for meals.
I think the hardest part for me is that I actually feel a lot worse since diagnosis. I have had quite a few well meaning friends ask if I'm feeling better now that I'm being treated, and the answer is honestly no. I didn't feel bad at all at diagnosis. I only had two notable symptoms--I had lost 6 pounds in about 2 weeks without trying, and I often had trouble coming up with the correct word when speaking (several times daily). Now I've gained the weight back and most of the time I can speak correctly (unless I'm thinking about a million things, which I usually am!). But, oh, I feel terrible most of the time.
I feel depressed and discouraged. I feel broken and tired. I'm sick of counting carbs and worrying over whether or not this dose of insulin is going to work well or kill me. I miss so badly the freedom to eat just when I felt hungry, and trying to pick a relatively healthy choice but otherwise not really thinking about what all was in my food. I was able to get a Dexcom in November, which has mostly eliminated my terror about lows, but I still worry so much about everything.
I had my first post-dx A1C done on 12/30 and it was 6.7, which is definitely a lot better. But all that did was tell me what I had done in the past, now I face another 3-month period of stressing over whether or not what I'm doing is working or not. I'm feeling terribly emotional today--most days I can keep my numbers in decent ranges but last night after dinner it went to 270 and hung around there for a couple hours, so I ended up taking a correction. Stayed up until midnight to make sure the correction wasn't an overcorrection, and slept terrible after that. Then breakfast numbers went crazy, lunch a little less so because I purposely underbolused for my meal, but even so I'm just now down to 140s 3.5 hours after lunch. It isn't my monthly, and I don't feel like I'm catching anything, except that I feel lousy just overall.
Here's your Tl;dr--I'm new to diabetes and I hate it. The End.