My son was diagnosed 2 months ago, since then we have moved from Arizona to Bangkok, Thailand. We have been adjusting, we have our ups and downs, emotionally and physically but for the most part things are going well. School starts in a week. I have spoke with my sons Dr., the Nurses at the school, as well as the cafeteria worker. There are a few other kids at the school with diabetes so they have some experience. I am very anxious and nervous about how this will go for him. ANY help/experience is greatly appreciated. From what I have gathered, my son will go to the nurses office prior to lunch to test, go eat, and return to the nurses office for his insulin.
A few concerns:
1) The cafeteria here is more like a buffet. The kids can choose from a variety of foods everyday. There is a menu posted at the beginning of the week, BUT nutrition facts are not available like they would be in the U.S. I COULD pack him a lunch everyday, but I would really like to avoid that if at all possible. I know that we can make this work, just need to figure out how. I will join him at school the first week during lunch times to help the nurses and my son.
2) Testing at other times: I am considering keeping a testing kit in the nurses office as well as one in my sons backpack so he has it in the classroom. He can test himself, but doesn't always know how to appropriately treat highs & lows. Training the teacher as well as nurses will of course be mandatory so that they can tell my son what to do after he has tested.
3) Putting the control in someone elses hands. This is my son and his life that I am allowing someone else to be in control of. This freaks me out. I have not left him with anyone other than my husband since his diagnosis. Although it is scary, I am also looking forward to a break.
How did some of you deal with everything that goes along with sending your children to school for the first time after diagnosis?? What did you send your kids to school with supply / snack wise? What was their daily schedule like? P.E.? Lunches etc.
- Guess I should say that he is using Humalog / Lantus via injections. We are going to start looking into the pump at some point so I would like to hear how those on pump managed as well.
Thanks for reading my long post!! I look forward to hearing feedback.