Anyone following Dr. Bernstein?

Wondering how kids are doing with the extreme low carb diet…

I did purchase Dr. Bernstein’s book. His diet is extreme, IMO, and I think a lot of adults would have problems limiting carbs to 6g, 12g, 12g, respectively, for each meal. I do not believe this would be a healthy diet for a growing child. Few fruits, limit rice, potatoes, etc. Adults can and do limit carbs with good results. I do feel we can learn from everybody. If she has an extremely high blood sugar at mealtime, we do reduce carbs until blood sugar comes down to an acceptable level to eat, i.e. give insulin, give meat and salad and wait for the carbs. There are times when she eats less carbs on a daily basis. I have noticed that if she eats 40 or 50 grams at a time, her blood sugars are better postprandially. So in future, I may work with that, but I do not limit carbs drastically. That is to say, for the most part, I do not go over the amount of carbs recommended by her endo team per day. Sometimes she herself wants less carbs. I do not follow the “eat everything you want and bolus for it” or “eat any time you want” philosophy. Meals/snacks are spaced and we keep within recommended gram count per meal/snack. She makes it easy for us, though, since she so rarely asks for snacks, extra food and seems satisfied with her daily routine. I have seen one or two on this board who do follow Dr. Bernstein’s diet for children. Easy-going as she has been to this point, she would rebel if we tried to implement Bernstein’s teachings.

It’s been a few weeks with the low carb thing…Sam misses his toast in the morning, but it seems like everytime he has toast or cereal for breakfast he spikes by the two hour mark, no matter what we do. So we decided to try to do without. NOT GOING OVER WELL!!!

We raised his morining basal rates and have changed his ratios for his morning carb bolus from 1:12 to 1:10. no go so far. any thoughts???

Riley’s carb coverage in the morning is different than at other times of the day. His carb coverage at breakfast is 1:25 compared to 1:31 or 1:35 used the rest of the day. We used to have a problem with Riley spiking up 2 hours after breakfast more so than any other time of the day.

I’ve found that it has helped to up Riley’s basal an hour before he usually eats breakfast. It seems that the boost of a little extra insulin before breakfast has helped.

I hope you find a solution soon. I know how frustrating it is.

there is no way our doctors would allow us to follow this diet. we do keep the GI of our foods as low as we can though.