Are you the chosen one? ... Type 1, that is

I just want to know who here is like me and is the first and only known Type 1 in your entire family.

I’m talking you have no known diabetic parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, ancestors, or family pets.

OK maybe pets.

You get the idea…so who else is a complete freak of nature?

I agree it is SO annoying to hear those misconceptions all the time and especially from family members who should know better!

Yep, and no one even has Type 2 in my family. (Well, I think one of my grandma's may have been borderline.) Everyone is shocked. My brother keeps saying how he should have gotten diabetes over me (I'm thin and eat well and am healthier). Diagnosed this year at 33 makes me even weirder :)

I was the first, then my grandmother got type 2 from old age. My grandmother still asks me if I can have sugar.... I have wanted to make a cd of answers and when she starts asking just hit play and save my voice =)

my body ate my large intestine when i was 23. then, at 37, my body starting eating my beta cells. i wonder "what next?" all the time. but, what are you gonna do?

Sounds just like my family. I am the Black Sheep; a proud one.

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I'm the only one too, & I've had it for 50 years. I also have celiac but my cousin's granddaughter also has celiac but no T1.

This is me man. First and only. Type 2 is on my Moms side so they thought it was that at first. Then two horrible weeks later I was back in the hospital and rediagnosed as Type 1

My husband and I both have T1D. (I have LADA). Neither of us has diabetes in our families, however, each of our mothers was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Does anyone else have close relatives with autoimmune diseases that aren't T1D?

This question is probably worthy of it's own discussion topic.

This was me exactly. Type 2 on both sides of the family. Internist diagnosed as Type 2 and started me on pills. I was so sick I was begging for insulin. Went to endo and rediagnosed as Type 1. One and only.

Yup, it's me too. First one in my family. We have no idea where it came from...

Yes. My daughter is the first in the family diagnosed with T1. But on my husband's side of the family -- his sister has MS, his nephew has rheumatoid arthritis & two nieces have Crohn's. Since my daughter was diagnosed, I've heard that MS & T1 often run in families together.

No other type 1s in my family, as far as the eye can see....

I was the only one till Dec.20,2011 My Grand Daughter was dx on that fateful day as a Type 1 and it was a night,I will never forget I cried like a baby and had so much regret,i apolize to my daughter and she said it was not my fault but i felt responsible.

No other type 1 in my family also.
? Do you think that longevity has something to do with the fact that you are the only ones in our families. Does it really mean that we are the unfortunate ones to get all the D genes? Does it mean that we are now the ones to start the diabetes chain in our families.? .

I am the only one in my family with T1. My brother has T2 as did my Mom. Both of them developed it in their 40s. I have an idential twin sister who is not diabetic. This puzzles me. My sister has no children; I had GD with my two pregnacies. I am suspecting that I was born with few beta cells. Am I correct?

Me. I am the only type 1 in my family history. type 2 has been on my Mother's side,
But I am the only oner and have had it for only 33 years, and I am still the only type 1

Yup, me too! No diabetes (T1 or T2) that we know about ever existing in our entire family, including my grandparents, great-g's, etc. It's like God just threw a dart at His diabetes randomness dartboard and it landed on me.

I'm in too! No one in my family has ever had T-anything, aside from me. I've heard it can be caused by anything from milk to some virus in the woods around my childhood home...and everything else in-between!
My aunt had a diabetic cat at one time and when the poor thing passed away, from multiple feline ailments, my aunt gave me her kitty syringes. Cause you know, I use them every day! I love my aunt, but didn't know how to tell her that I couldn't bring myself to use her dead cat's needles.
I like to think I got Diabetes because if I didn't I would have met a cruel fate in some kind of caramel/moon pie/cupcake/jellybean accident. And really, who wants to deal with that possibility everyday? We're lucky, really, when you think about it...