Seems like everybody keeps a backup for the pump. What about BATTERIES? No mention at all..........
my pump uses one AA battery. I keep 2 or 3 in my purse, rotate them out with batteries kept at home & when I go on a trip I take a few more.
Similar to Marie, I keep spare batteries for both my pump and my meter in the meter case, which has a zippered mesh compartment.
I keep a spare in my diabetes cash for both my meter and pump. I wouldn't worry if I didn't have any on me though, I get 3 months out of each for a lithium battery AAA are sold all over the place..
Would never leave the house without a back up pen though, as I have been off the pump before a DKA starts to set in so quickly.
I keep batteries at work, home and when I travel. I figure if I need a AAA really fast I can easily buy one.
Yep, I got one each of the pump and the meter/remote battery in my meter case. Then I basically forget about it and when I'm down to one of each in my drawer (especially the pump batteries - I always have the regular AA batteries the meter takes) I buy more. I'm probably the least compulsive person about carrying extra supplies. I leave the house basically with just my meter remote and the glucose tabs that are always in my purse, but the batteries are easy to just keep in my meter case. I do occasionally switch them out with new ones when I remember.
In addition to my meter case, Skittles, fruit leathers, and insulin pen, I have a tiny case in my purse (I think it's meant to store SD cards for cameras) that has some pen needles, alcohol swabs, batteries, and a quarter (to unscrew the battery cap).
Have you never found yourself away from home feeling awful with a BG of 400+ mg/dl for "no reason" (and therefore a bad/questionable site)? If not, you are really lucky! Not fun at all! Happened to me a few times and is why I always bring a backup insulin pen with me now.
When my pump starts showing 2 bars on the battery indicator I add a spare lithium battery to my little backup pouch, the battery usually lasts about 2.5 months in my Animas 2020.
I do the same. Only mine are AAA. I carry more than one and am glad I carry the extra when I had a new battery that did not work in my pump a time or two.
I should clarify, Jen, that I don't work fulltime anymore so I'm not away from home for more than a few hours. Also, I now live in a tiny town where I could get home in 10 minutes. If I travel further away or for longer times I definitely take more.
Oh, yes, and I have a dime in my meter case too to open the battery cap (I guess I'm cheap!)
Might as well hold onto that dime. Can't make a phone call anymore :(
Yes I carry batteries, the MM pump and meter use a AAA Energizer
I carry everything needed to service my pump for a week and it all fits in a small leather bag I take it everywhere. If I leave the house it goes in my truck or car and the only exceptions are the gym or cycling. More than one time I have had to cancel my plains and go home because of a pump issue...bolus for meal and get a no delivery, slide into a booth at a local bar and catch infusion site on the corner of table and rip it out.
Murphy's law...something will happen sooner or later.
Ofcourse Mike ...batteries !! I carry 2 in my meter pouch . I recall looking for my fav. AAA Energizer brand , while in the Netherlands 2 years ago , because I forgot to take spare ones from home : NO such luck my exercise in visiting many stores and went for the available brand .
LOL - I remember when a dime was a fortune!
TEN penny candies (no sales tax) or a six-ounce bottle of soda for me and my brother - five cents each.
Of course, gas was three dimes a gallon by the time I got to high school. It seemed so expensive! Sigh.
I learned the hard way to carry back-up batteries for my meter at all times. If I were using a pump or CGM I'd carry back-up batteries for these, too. Having my dependable equipment go belly up when I was thirty miles from home in the middle of my work day at the world's largest factory (a 25 minute walk from desk to car) taught me to be battery aware!
Come to think of it, when's the last time you saw a phone booth?
Who needs a phone booth? We're all Dick Tracy now! LOL