I split my levemir dose in the AM&PM 12 units AM and 14 units PM. I go in Friday at 2:00 in the afternoon to be started on my pump. What did you guys do about your basal insulin the 24 hours before your first day on the pump? I was thinking prob take 1/2 of my usual nighttime dosage and skip my morning dose and just correct highs with humalog just like the pump does. Any advice? Of course I will be getting instructions from my endo but just wanted to hear you guys input and experience.
I have alway been in favor of taking the full basal doses and just running a temporary basal on the pump to account for it.
Do you know for sure how long Levemir works for you? How fast it clears the system once it stops working? If you do you can just run temp basals to account.
Most of the people I put on pumps are only taking basal insulins once daily unless they are on massive doses. I have them take their basal as they normally would and just run a temp basal of 0% until their Lantus/Levemir would stop working. It is probably safer to just correct but I find this to be a much smoother “ride” on the first day doing it this way.
I skipped mine but my apppointment was at 10:00 and I was taking R. I hope you love your pump too though! Part of the deal with the pump is that the pump sales person I had was very experienced and made very good suggestions during the (short…) period she was involved and wanted data so basaling and killing the pump would deprive you of a day? I like the 1/2 dose idea better than bolusing and cutting the basal?
My appointment was at 3:00 and I was taking a split dose of Lantus (with slightly more in the evening). I did my evening shot but skipped the morning one. But it was Lantus which lasts longer than Levemir, so I don’t know if it would be the same. I did go high (to about 250) by the time I started the pump, so my first bolus was a correction bolus, and we ran a full basal rate from then (though it did need upping over the first week … apparently Lantus has some lingering effects for up to a week!).
Like MossDog, my endo had me take the full Lantus dose the night before. He then put me on a temporary basal for several hours until the Lantus wore off. He did all of the calculations, and explained the purpose of the temp basal. I got my pump less than 2 months after my Type 1 diagnosis, so I would never would have wanted or been able to have to figure it out for myself.
LIL MaMa …I truly can’t recall …for me ( August 2001 was my " re-birthday " after being diagnosed in 1983 at age 42 plus ) before the very active use of internet in our house…I did trust my pump Nurse then and now to the fullest …and eventually felt very comfortable making changes …she taught me well !!!