Finally, I’ve posted a review of the Bayer Contour USB meter. Bottom Line: I really liked it, I hope this review is useful to you.
So nice to see you! How are you doing?
Thanks for the Bayer info.
Thanks for the blog post on the Bayer. I use a Mac and it is difficult to find supported software for the OS platform. I am looking at another meter. This looks pretty good. Thanks for the post Bernard. Take care.
Gerri, I’m doing just fine. Another decade into 2000, and all is well. My Dexcom is really helping with control, my last 3 A1Cs have been below 6.9, so life is good.
Pauly, I really like this meter. It’s easy to use and read, definitely one of the better ones around these days. Mind you I’ve not used a Freestyle meter in many years and I know many folks still like them.
Bernard, I cannot find the review on the Bayer Contour USB meter. What am I doing wrong?
I really want a contour usb… i have the number for a bayer rep in canada but she couldn’t really give me any info on when it’s comming out in canada
Billy, does Canada use mg/dL or mmol/L to measure BG values? I know the meter supports both, but I don’t think they let you choose which one is being used.
Colette, it’s not obvious. Move your mouse over the words Bayer Contour above and a link will appear.
Happy you’re doing well & that the Dexcom is helping!
In Canada, it’s mmol/L. Hopefully the contour will be able to support that too, or set to support either one. I just got my OneTouch mini, which so far, I am a fan of- but it is really basic. I’ve been looking at the Contour USB, and I love that it has reminders and a trend on it, especially as it has the USB connectivity to back up your info, or even email it to your Endo and GP if necessary. Very cool. I definitely want one. My only concern is cost. All of my meters have been provided for me, so far. And strips. I’m curious what the cost of these things will be in Canada. Your standard BG monitor here is about $50, and a box of 100 strips is usually about $80. The thing I dislike about Bayer’s testers, is that they use different kinds of strips with different codes. OneTouch generally uses one kind of strips for all of its monitors, and you can set the code yourself if the new strips you get are coded differently than your last batch.