Here’s a question that has been on my mind a lot. I am an associate editor at the Juvenile Diabetes Cure Alliance, and we are focused on advocating for a cure for type 1 diabetes - which makes us pretty unique, as there is no other organization with that sole purpose.
Sometimes when people discuss issues with us (both here and on other places), the idea gets brought up that diabetics should be more concerned with living healthier, or searching for better treatments as opposed to a “cure”. But then again, people donate hundreds of millions of dollars in fundraisers that specifically promote the search for a cure.
So, to put it crudely, what do you think? What should we, as a diabetes community, be focusing on? A balanced answer I suppose would be all three - live healthy, get better treatments, keep hoping for a cure. But in a way, they are all related. A cure, which should be able to lift most, if not all restrictions from a person’s lifestyle, would clearly be greatly beneficial for a one’s health. On the other hand, many people are still far from keeping perfect numbers even with the latest pumps.
It seems to me that no matter how many beeping electronic devices we have, they are never going to be an adequate substitute for a cure. And no matter how healthy and active a person tries to keep him or herself, complications are always possible (Of course, that is not to say that we should not put our best effort in educating ourselves and living healthy - but with type 1, there is only so much you can control.) A cure might be the most ambitious of the three, but also the only affirmative way to get rid of diabetes for good.