I'm trying to gain some weight so I increased my carb intake. A strange pattern from the last 2 days. I eat but my BG ends up high, near 200, so I shoot another unit of apidra to bring it down ... 2 hours later is even higher !! (about 50 points) the meal is usually brown rice, baked potatoes and some protein (chicken or fish) I don't get it, any ideas ?
I'm 34 years old - T1 3.5 years ago usually with relatively good control (until now it seems)
I'm a fairly high carb eater but baked potatoes and brown rice for lunch is even beyond my capacity. I had to gain some weight after diagnosis and I've done it by increasing healthy fats in my diets. My lunch will include a salad heavily dressed with olive oil and some sunflower seeds or almonds. By packing on the calories with healthy fats instead of carbs you minimize the post meal spikes although I have a tendency to drift higher at around 3 to 4 hours out as the fat and protein hit.
If it's one meal running up, or down 2 hours later, I will usually try adjusting my carb-insulin ratio a point in the direction I want to go. I have to agree w/ Maurie that rice and potatoes is pretty extreme in the carb portion.
Brown rice and baked potato is a pretty hard combo to bolus for. I can't eat rice at all (white or brown makes no difference). Both together would probably put me close to 300. You might want to consider reducing the carbs a bit, perhaps substituting some vegies or a salad for the brown rice.
I suspect it is the protein causing the spike later. And that really is a LOT of carbs for lunch. If you have to keep correcting you should certainly reconsider your meal choices. Good luck. I prefer fresh fruit for lunch and never have a trouble with it :)
Thanks,I was aiming for 80 gr per meal, it just seems really hard for me to gain weight, I've always had a really skinny constitution and if I reduce the carb intake I feel like I'm going to disappear. I'm 5'10 - 132 lbs
So would you say that if you eat 50gr of rice or 25gr rice and 25gr potatoes the result is different ? Supposedly carbs are carbs no matter where they come from, at least that's what my endo says, but as I suspected, is not a linear game.
Actually, you are right, it is not a linear game. Some carbs are more difficult to bolus for accurately than others. We are all different but for me it is rice and cereal. I can bolus for the right amount of carbs and still be high.