I am realy getting too frustrated unable to figure out what happens at night and during my little girl Layan's body during her sleep.
This is getting me crazy.
for the past 2 weeks Layan was having a night spike around 2:00 am where her BG increases but will remain steady until she wakes up or decreases very slightly.
before those last 2 weeks she was still having the night spikes but her BG will drop afterwards in a fast mode like 30mg every one hour
Last night she slept 2 hours after her meal and she was 151, then 2 hours later she was 189 then another 3 hours later she was 122 and woke up 3 hours after this test and was 221!!!
I wonder if any one else struggles with the night time BG as we do???
I think a lot of people have those challenges. I struggled with them for years until I got a pump, which lets me put in a basal "bump" during the night to keep my BG smooth. W/ shots, some people have success adjusting the timing of basal insulins to make peaks hit when BG is running up? I notice too that when my BG comes down out of these nighttime highs that it goes down very quickly, more quickly than I like, although generally, I like my BG to be "normal" as much as possible?
Yes, this is a common reason why many T1s opt for the pump. Are you using a pump with her yet? If so, you can track her BGs for a few days and then bump up the basal rate around the time you're seeing her BGs increase.
The reason you're probably seeing an increase in her BG in these wee morning hours is because people (children especially) secrete a lot of hormones during this time of day. These hormones (growth hormone especially, which she's probably making a lot of given her age) cause insulin resistance. So when she's making these hormones, her long-acting insulin is not as effective.
Keeping my BG normal during the nighttime hours can be very difficult. I have a rather large Dawn Phenomena, or the release of hormones and growth hormones at night while sleeping that cause insulin resistance. Using a pump has helped me to lessen the increase in my BG that I experienced on MDI. But my DP usually changes every 2-4 weeks for reasons I do not understand. One night my BG will spike to 200 out of the blue for no reason, or it will drop to 50 for no reason. I have found a CGM very helpful here. This leads to re-adjusting my basals at night often. The best solution I have found to deal with DP is to react to the changes when they happen the best you can and try not to lose any more sleep figuring out why her BG is fluctuating so widly.
Good luck and I know your frustrations.
Thanks a lot for the support; it is good to know that this can be quite common while doctors always try to connect this to some kind fault that I might have encountered.
Layan is getting her pump next week, it is Veo Minimid paradigm that includes a GCM, so next week we are moving to a pump and 10 days later we will start with the GCM. I a quite concerned because now I don’t how can the pump be programmed for the night time based on this unpredictable trends.
That's wonderful that she's getting a pump! There is a steep learning curve, but you WILL find a huge difference in control. Take your time with it, you'll work it out. Plenty of support here too :)
Confused about your use of question marks. Are those questions or statements? See question marks frequently in your comments that don't appear to be questions & am unsure of the intent.
The pump will make the control of her night time blood sugar much easier! It will, though, take awhile to get the rates right. Just keep careful records, lots of testing, and then you will see patterns and be able to start tweaking her basal rates to work for her needs.
You will find her basal much much smoother on the pump because you can put in multiple different rates to suit her needs. It just will take awhile to get through the learning curve.
I'm way over the top with question marks whenever I suggest stuff maybe more particulrly to parents or people I haven't talked to a ton, although I recall the OP from some other threads. I also am totally lazy about looking up articles, links, etc. to support my assertions so I suppose they are sort of "imperfect" tense when really I mean these are good ideas and I should quit waffling. I often pick both sides in discussions. It drives MrsAcidRock nuts to discuss going out to eat when I'm like "that's a good place...but that's a good place too?" [note question mark!]
i have quit the oppisite problem with my son. his bs will be like 189 at bedtime, i always give him a lil snack, because of lows,... he peaks , then when he wakes up in the morning, he's in the 50's or 40's... even when i get up to check him at 3, if hes less than a 100, i give a little juice, lite snack... yet hes still low. idk what to do... any suggestions please?
Some people have a hormonal response to foods so the snack can cause a reactive hypo. I have DP so a high protein snack would help me have a lower BG in the morning
But many times my BG would be to low when I was on a basal insulin because the insulin would peak around 6 hours after injecting. After many many years I no longer
have reactive hypos because my insulin production is undetectable. My only solution was to start pumping insulin and using a varying basal profile that eliminates my
night time lows…my basal requirements from 10pm to 3am is almost zero.