I’m wondering if any of you can help explain my experience this last week.
I’m a non-insulin dependent type 1.5 LADA, diagnosed 1 year ago. My BG is generally stable on Metformin; good A1Cs.
I’m also hypothyroid, and take synthroid. Had my blood tested just 3 weeks ago and all my numbers were very good.
For the past week though, I have not been able to sleep well. Either I can’t fall asleep, wake up in the night, or just wake up feeling unrested. Last night I managed to sleep well, but by late afternoon I felt tired and not well again (not sick, but just bad).
There’s nothing going on in my life that would explain this sudden change, and my doctor hasn’t had any really good explanations for what might be going on.
Two nights ago when I checked my BG before bed and it was 240. I did some exercise and it went down to 135, but in the morning it was really high again (175).
I’m wondering if anyone has any theories about what could be going on from their experience? Is it possible that even if my BG is normal before bed, that it might be spiking while I sleep and disturbing my rest? Any other ideas?
Your honeymoon is coming to a close. This is typical with LADA. When enough beta cells have died off, glucose levels abruptly worsen.You should be on insulin, not metformin, to preserve the beta cell function that you still have.
High (or low) BG overnight can effect your sleep. Surprising that your doctor wouldn’t know this.
Sounds like you have dawn phenonmenon, which is common. Lowest BG tends to be between 2-4 AM. The body gears up for waking with increased BG. In non-diabetics insulin keeps BG from going too high, but we don’t have this luxury.
There’s lots of info here you can search on dawn phenonmenon. Basal insulin helps keep BG stable overnight & between meals. If you continue to experience high monrning fasting, you should discuss insulin with your doctor before you’re next appointment. Don’t let BG get too high.
Yes, sounds like dawn phenomenon.
Have you already discussed when to start on insulin with your doctor? Sounds like it is time to start. Injecting insulin can save some of the beta cell functions in your pancreas for longer by not wearing out your insulin producing cells as quickly.
Life with insulin is much better than life with high blood sugars!
That “internal stressor” is called not having insulin to regulate BG:)
There isn’t anything else to do, other than insulin, when carb control, meds & exercise aren’t working.
Hi ngisherepart: As others have mentioned here, I would really encourage you to go on exogenous insulin. Even low doses will help preserve your remaining beta cells and help you feel MUCH better. Best of luck to you. Melitta