Big babies

I wanted more than anything to have a small baby – just to prove to the world that not all diabetics have big babies.

My blood sugars have been consistently great, but still he is just growing too quickly. No one is overly concerned yet because he could just be a big baby due to genetics and there is really nothing to do at this point except try and keep my blood sugars even lower.

But, somewhere deep down inside, I feel like a failure for producing a big baby. I wish that my diabetes had no effect on him at all.

I was wondering how many of you had babies that measured big on the ultrasounds and if there were any recommendations of what you could do except for keeping perfect blood sugars.

I also want a small baby! I’ve been trying to exercise a fair amount, since I know in non-diabetics, that can help you have a “leaner” baby. However, I feel somewhat doomed because my husband was 12.5 pounds at birth (his poor mother)! And I was over 8 lbs, which I guess is a little larger than “average”. So I might end up blaming genetics if our baby is large; do babies in your family or your husband’s tend to run larger? Don’t feel like a failure!!! You should be so proud for having such good numbers! I don’t think doctors should automatically say the baby is large because of diabetes; many healthy women just have large babies anyways, so it’s really not fair to us!

Thanks for your reply Christina!

Wow, sounds like you can REALLY blame genetics!! :slight_smile:

My husband and I were both between 6 and 7 pounds. So I don’t think that it’s genetics, but I try to just not worry about it. I just HATE that my diabetes gets the blame. My endo is awesome and SOOO supportive. She told me that my numbers have been just what they need to be and that she can’t imagine that being the reason, but she said that we should just use this as a motivation to do even better!

I am happy with my good numbers and that our little guy appears to be developing just fine otherwise. I know so many people who have had big babies without diabetes. I just know that when I send a birth announcement with the weight, people will see my diabetes and not just our beautiful son!

This is exactly how I felt- Daisy (now 3 months) got big, and I put on loads of extra fluid as well, and ended up needing a C section. This was despite excellent control throughout, after going on the pump and spending a year getting my hba1c at a consistent 6. I felt like a complete failure, and felt cheated that I wasn’t going to experience labour. Looking back I think my good control (albeit not quite non-diabetic) probably helped avoid other, more serious problems- and that is good enough for me. The C section was ok, and I actually went into labour at 37 1/2 weeks (was scheduled to have it at 38 weeks) so got to experience 3 hours of contractions before an emergency C section was organised at 3 in the morning! 3 hours was plenty, I was grateful when it ended and I was taken off for my section. So keep doing what you’re doing, its so worth it! I don’t feel like a failure any more, now that I have my little miracle :slight_smile:

so far, I’m not seeing a big baby from us. The ultrasounds have her measuring right on schedule, if even a tiny bit small for how far along we are. We are between 27-28 weeks now.

When did he start measuring big? The u/s could be up to 2 lbs off their measurements. He COULD be perfect, but they just can’t tell until he’s in the outside world. Also, the u/s dates could be off up to 2 weeks. So maybe he’s 2 weeks older than you think he is?

Kristin- you have given me motivation this entire pregnancy to keep trying to get my BG down. I know that you may feel like a failure, but to me you are just wonderful and so inspriational at a time when we all feel so much stress and pressure to be perfect. So, please don’t feel the need to “blame” anyone for anything. Your baby sounds like he’s healthy and I am so glad to hear that news.

This post is EXACTLY what I was about to write myself. I just had an appointment (I am up to seeing the doc twice a week) and had the exact same experience. I am super bummed out. My baby’s abdomen is measuring in the 98th percentile! I am 36 weeks and that is measuring at 40 weeks! Just three weeks ago everything was pretty normal.
My A1C has been 5.7 the entire pregnancy. They seemed to be a little concerned but like you said, Kristin, nothing too serious. I was hoping to NOT have a C-section but now it is looking more likely.

So, I too am wondering if anyone else has had this experience.


Congrats on the good blood sugars. It sounds to me like you’re doing all you can so you don’t feel bad or blame yourself! I do have some (non-diabetic) friends that have had large babies even though their mom’s did not (and visa versa) so I wouldn’t sweat it!

Other than not overeating and keeping blood sugars good, I have not heard of any other advise to keep the baby’s weight down.

I’ve had diabetes for ~25 yrs and at my 1/2-way ultrasound (20wks) it showed my baby at the 48 percentile for weight. My husband was a big one (9lb10oz) when he was born and I was normal/~7lb. My A1c has been 5.5-5.7 during pregnancy (although I think my past month has been my worst so my next maybe will be a little higher).

My obgyn has not taken any ultrasounds to check on the size of the baby since the one taken at my ~1/2 mark, and I’m now starting wk35. I would think it would be checked more regularly than this, but when I asked, my obgyn just said they’d do another later in the pregnancy. How often is your baby’s weight actually checked (or anyone else’s reading this)?


I actually think that he is about 1 week older than they think he is – I was happy about that because then I thought that I wouldn’t get induced so early :slight_smile:

You are completely right about the inaccuracy of the ultrasound. At my hospital, they don’t even try to estimate the weight because they say it’s so inaccurate. So I only know he is big from his head diameter and abdomen diameter (his leg is shorter, but so is his Dad’s).

Thanks for the encouragement! :slight_smile: I love having you guys here to know there are people who get it!!! I guess the “feel like a failure” part was a little too dramatic, but I just felt like I was rocking this diabetic pregnancy and that our little guy wouldn’t even notice that I have diabetes. Maybe he isn’t and I guess he will love me just the way I am! That’s the beauty of it!

Hi Elizabeth! Sorry to hear that you are facing the same thing. I haven’t talked to my OB-GYN yet. So I don’t know if these measurements will be a sure C-section, but I know that another girl whose baby was measuring big and they did not make her have a c-section or induce labor. She went into labor naturally (I think in week 41), but ended up with an emergency c-section (not sure exactly why – it might not have been due to the baby’s size).

If he continues to measure big, I am going to push for an induction in week 39-40 rather than a c-section, but we’ll see what my OB-GYN says. I’m staying open to anything at this point.

Thanks for the encouragement SS!

We have had ultrasounds during the following weeks:
7, 12,18, 24, 28, 30, and now we are going every week for measurements.

We have seen our baby about every 4 weeks. So, week 5, 9, 13, 20, 24. Next one is next week at 28 weeks. They called me a level 3 diabetic because I’ve had it so long (13 years), so I would assume you’re in the same “boat” as me? Week 13 was the first trimester screening, checking for down syndrome and brain development. Week 24 was the heart screening to make sure all the valves were working. Next week they are doing measurements. I’ve asked her measurements every time I’ve gone to the high risk clinic and they’ve told me she is right on schedule. Hopefully it stays that way. We think we’re 2 weeks ahead of what they think. They want to induce at 37 weeks due to the D, which means she’ll really be 39 weeks. :slight_smile:

oh when I had my 20 week u/s, the pic they got from the top showed her head and her belly was bigger than her head! They said it was normal though. So, I dunno. Was so cute though. Can’t wait to squish her belly.

Thank you!

Congrats on the good measurements so far!
I think I’ll be more persistent about asking them to take my baby’s measurements. Thank you for your info.

People without diabetes have big babies everyday! According to your A1C and your bg levels even if your baby does come out healthy and big then it will not be from your diabetes. This is my first type1diabetic pregnancy but 5 years ago I had ‘gestational diabetes’ with my son and was told he was measuring large and going to be about 10 lbs a few weeks before my due date and they planned on a c-section. I begged to be induced 2 weeks early instead and my precious baby boy was only 7 lbs 15 ozs so they were off by a few lbs!

I was told to plan for a c-section starting at around 8 months and I ended up being induced 2 weeks early instead and it was a wonderful labor!

That’s so encouraging to hear!! I am planning to ask to be induced too, if they want a C-section due to his measurements.

Don’t worry about it!! All that matters even if it does come out strong big and healthy is that it was NOT due to your diabetes obviously you have done a wonderful job and thats all that was expected of you. You have done great!! Keep up the good work and DO NOT WORRY!

Something to think about: if you are concerned about what people might think about the weight, why not send a birth announcement with just a beautiful photo of your new son and his birth date?

Good idea! I might do that :slight_smile: