Hi there, I haven’t written in a while. Things have been going pretty smoothly. The a1c is down to 5.5 and I seem to have gotten a handle on the basal/carb ratio adjustments (at least until the next set of adjustments). Anyway, everything’s been good and uneventful. However, yesterday we found out that our little one is running big (I’m at 32wks and he’s 5.5lbs) and they may induce at 37 weeks. The fetal specialist said it probably has nothing to do with my sugars, but more to do with the fact that I’m 5’8" and my husband is 6’4". She also said there’s really nothing i can do about it. Has anyone had this experience? Any thoughts on the accuracy of the measurements? I’m really nervous about being induced. Any ideas for bringing on labor?
Both of my babies were big even though my blood sugar was controlled pretty well. My first daughter was 10 lbs, 14 oz and I went into labor on my own at 38 weeks. I just delivered my second daughter 2 weeks ago and went into labor at 37 weeks. My daughter also measured a little over 5 lbs at 32 weeks...
I recommend raspberry leaf tea for bringing on labor..Also taking walks.
By the way, try not to worry so much. I think doctors cause so much fear in diabetic mommy 's. They make you worry un-necessarily. Both of my girls were born healthy. Just try the best you can and keep your a1c down. Stress isn't good.
My son was born at 34 weeks 1 day and was estimated at 6 lbs 14 oz. He was born at 6 lbs 13 oz. They say the measurements can be off by a lb either way. My blood sugar were within range my entire pregnancy. I’m 5’10 and my hubby is 6’.
We're tall too and my sugars were in good control. DD1 was 34+1 and 6lb3oz, DD2 was 32+1 and 3lb15oz - weight wise bang on but she was super skinny and very long. Here's the question I ask them... if I wasn't diabetic, how big a term baby would you expect me to have? Their answer? 9-10lb. So awfully frustrating when having a 'big' baby is pretty much what you'd expect your genes to create anyway! All the best with the next couple of months :)
Its hard when it comes to "big" babies for diabetic mommies b/c it isn't just the size. It's the way the baby's body is shaped- if a diabetic has a big baby, there is a higher risk of the baby not being able to fit (yikes!). So, even when genetically you may pre-dispositioned to have a heavier baby, that is where the concern comes in... I've heard a lot of variation on how accurate the measurements are,and next week you may hear different... Most importantly, don't blame yourself- esp. with an A1C of 5.5- well done- that's amazing! I know how hard it is at this point in the pregnancy to keep calm, but I would really try to take this week by week and see if there really is a trend of the baby continuing to grow on the bigger side. Be good to yourself:)
We had a big baby and no genetics to blame (9lb 5 oz at end of 38 weeks). There is a lot of controversy among patients about whether we should accept induction or c-section just because we have diabetes and the baby is measuring big. My OB-GYN said that my body was not designed to birth a big baby. Some say there is no way that she can tell that, but my conclusion was that there is no way that I can know and she felt that c-section was the safest. So I accepted that.
He had the best puffy cheeks that I loved to nibble on. Now he is a slender, strong toddler without puffy cheeks to nibble on! So soon all these worries will be behind you and you will be totally in love!
When we started measuring big, my OB-GYN recommended stopping my multivitamin and just eating healthy. Not sure if there really is an effect, but just thought that I would share.