
My last two pods have been really painful. Looking through the window and seeing a nice amount of blood and bruising in that area.

has this happen to you?

I’ve only seen blood once. But, yeah… I have pretty painful pods every once in a while, but not always with blood. Did you notice the blood right away? or like, a day or two later?

I have seen a drop of blood once, but overall mine get sore feeling on the third day. I just tolerate it until i change it.Hope it gets better for you , I still think PODS are the best. Can’t imagine having a tube hanging on me 24/7.

I’ve had two bloody ones. One of the the blood went back up the cannula, but after bolusing it went away.

No bleeding, but I had to change early yesterday.

On my way home, it felt like a bee was stinging me in the butt. I just reached back and ripped the thing off.

Just for the record- I don’t recommend that particular method of removal. :frowning:

That just happened to me with my last two pods. I took it off, and it actually started to bleed like everywhere, it was really bad.

You’ve hit a blood vessel. Happens sporadically, and I can’t stand leaving them on because they hurt. Also, I’ve found that I get really poor absorption in these situations.

I have had painful pods, and bloody spots. I was in Vegas one time, and I think somehow I infused it exactly where a vein was. I had no blood, but I had numbers in the 300’s even with boluses 3x the amount of what I would normally take. I took it off and blood came out… I’ll leave out the details for the weaker stomachs.

Yeah just picture me with a pool of blood in my hand trying to keep it off my yellow pants I had on…lol That one left a nasty bruise… Sorry to those with weak stomachs, but if your stomach is weak maybe you shouldn’t be reading comments in the discussion called bleeding…lol