Blood Sugar day from hell!

OK…Saturday I had the blood sugar day from hell!!! I have no idea why I have these days!!! I woke up at 6am at 76!!! I felt fine. Took 2 units of Humalog and had breakfast with 30 grams of carb. I went and ran some errands and got home at about 9. Checked my blood sugar and it was 85. I was gonna go and play raquetball, so I ate a snack nd headed out. About 10 minutes into my game I felt low so I stopped and tested. It was 56!!! Damn!!! So I drank some Pepsi and waited 15 minutes. I was feeling tired so I decided to skip the raquetball and just go home. Tested an hour later and I was 80. I ate another snack and went over to my sisters house for a birthday party for my niece. About an hour after getting there I was feeling low , so I tested again and it was 57!!! Ughh!!! I was pissed!! So I ate a big snack…like 50 carbs!!! Waited 30 minutes and tested again…99!!! Finally it came up!!!

So, I played volleyball with my family and like an hour later I was feeling low again. Tested. It was 48!!! OMG!!! I HATE THIS DISEASE!!! SO…I ate a huge snack!!! Cake and ice cream!!! Like 100 grams of carb!!! Took no insulin!!! Tested 1 hour later and it was 92!!!

Spent the rest of the day feeling tired and wiped out!!! Went to bed at 95 and woke up at 73!!! Why do I have days when I need no insulin??? ughh!!! Why can’t this disease make sense???

Hey Ryan, It sounds like you had a miserable day. Sorry! Was Sunday any better for you?

Now that is a bad day! When I have had multiple lows it is usually because of the carb I have chosen for a snack. If I don’t add a little protein to the snack I can bounce on bottom for a while. But it has never been all day, yuck! I’m with Yvonne what did Sunday bring?

Sunday was better thank goodness!!

Hey Dave:
Me too, had lousy days up and down, had no testing equipment…ate nothing but “bad” carbs and just couldn’t get the hang on “exchanges”. Now on the pump and GCM and love it…its all about which WAY the BG’s are going…when you are going low…always try and eat PROTEIN…peanut butter, apple, fruit…slow metabolised…
Still alive at 55 years with D…

Wow just the opposite of my Saturday! Out of nowhere high all day even after corrections, I’m not sick either or stressed out, this is what is SO frustrating about this disease about twice a year I get really pissed at it ( yesterday was it for 09 so far) Better today hovering in the mid 150’s,just reading your post helped me to remember I’m not the only one fighting everyday Robin

continuously going low like that drains me too. it happens at work sometimes. although i wish i had days that i need no insulin!! :slight_smile:

Have had many days exactly like yours, and also the opposite, with highs instead of lows. It’s frustrating and annoying, to say the least.

Some days you just have to ride the roller coaster and hope the next day is better.